Special arrangements
Basic principles: Equal opportunities for people with disabilities in the field of education
Universities are obliged to organise the general requirements for students with disabilities in such a way that they can successfully complete their studies.
The basis is provided by the Swiss Federal Constitution, which prohibits any discrimination on account of a physical, mental or psychological disability (external page FC, Art. 8(2)).
The measures required to eliminate the discrimination of people with disabilities are implemented in the Disability Discrimination Act (external page DDA, Art. 2).
Students with disabilities must not be discriminated against as a result of their disability.
"Discrimination in access to general and advanced education and training occurs in particular when: a.it is difficult for persons with disabilities to use aids or obtain the necessary assistance from other persons; b. the duration and organisation of the course and examinations are not adapted to the specific needs of persons with disabilities." (Art. 2, para. 5, DDA)
Special arrangements for performance assessments
What are special arrangements?
If students require individual adjustments in performance assessments due to their disability, this is regulated by means of special arrangements.
"Special arrangements are understood to be proportionate adjustments to study and examination conditions that are necessary to compensate for the disadvantages of the students concerned due to their disability and thus ensure equal opportunities." [Translation] Source: external page swissuniability.ch
The aim of such measures is solely to compensate for the disadvantage resulting from the disability. With all measures, the main content requirements of a course/examination must be fulfilled and the degree must remain equivalent.
What is the process at ETH?
ETH has a standardised process for making special arrangements. This ensures that students are treated equally.
- The students' reasons for a special arrangement are reviewed in compliance with data protection regulations and the proportionality of the measures are carefully evaluated.
- If students are granted measures for special arrangements, this is done by means of a decree.
- Individual agreements between lecturers and students are not permitted.
- Deadlines must be taken into account.
1. Student:in stellt Gesuch auf NTA bei PRST
- Student:in hat obligatorisches Beratungsgespräch zur Abklärung bei StS
- Student:in reicht Gesuch ein z.H. Prorektor Studium (PRST)
- Frist: Ende 2. Semesterwoche
2. PRST verfügt NTA
- Prorektor Studium prüft das Gesuch und verfügt bei berechtigtem Anspruch nachteilsausgleichende Massnahmen
- Prorektor Studium stellt den «Informationsbrief für Dozierende» z.H. Student:in aus
3. Student:in informiert Examinator:in über NTA
- Student:in kontaktiert Examinator:in mit «Informationsbrief für Dozierende»
- Frist: 6 Wochen vor Termin der Leistungskontrolle
4. Examinator:in sichert Student:in Umsetzung des NTA zu
- Examinator:in bestätigt dem/der Student:in den Erhalt der Informationen und sichert die Umsetzung der Massnahmen zu
- Frist: innerhalb 2 Wochen nach Erhalt der Information von Student:in (Schritt 3)
5. Examinator:in plant Prüfung und setzt NTA um
- Examinator:in informiert bei digitalen Prüfungen die Edu-IT unmittelbar nach Erhalt des «Informationsbriefs für Dozierende» von
- Student:in (Schritt 3)
- Examinator:in plant die Prüfung (z.B. Aufsicht, Raum, …)
- Examinator:in informiert Student:in (z.B. Raum,…)
Who is the contact point for students?
The Counselling & Coaching Centre provides students with information and advice on special arrangements. Please refer student enquiries directly to this department.
Who are the contact points for lecturers?
A) For written examinations
(excluding digital session examinations on ETH computers)
Room Scheduling Office (AkD)
or through Room RequestForm
Important information
- Examination (course number)
- Date and time (for digital examinations with ETH computers, including 1.5 h preparation time and 1 h post-exam time)
- Main examination room
- For additional room (Teaching Rooms for Examinations)
- Required number of exam seats
- Building / proximity to a specific room / preferred room
B) For digital session examinations on ETH computers
Service Digital Examinations (EduIT)
Important information
- Exam (number of the performance assessment)
- Student / special arrangement
- Student’s information letter from Vice Rector for Study Programmes