How to proceed: reporting and approval process

Employees and professors need to report any outside employment or activities via ETHIS. The office responsible for the approval differs depending on the job in question.

Employees submitting information about their outside activities should bear in mind the reporting and approval requirements and potential conflicts of interest and commitment.

Employees should discuss their outside activities in advance with their supervisor and if need be, HR Consulting.

Enter the outside activity via ETHIS:

ETHIS > Persönlich > Anstellung & Lohn > Employment > My outside activities

Reporting process

Are you planning to engage in outside employment or other outside activities? Please discuss your plans with your supervisor to assess the nature of your activity and any potential conflicts. Afterwards, you can enter information about your outside activity in ETHIS (Persönlich > Anstellung & Lohn > Employment > My outside activities), where you will be asked to enter the necessary information for your application for approval.

Approval process

Supervisors acknowledge receipt of the information about their employee’s outside activity and evaluate whether there are any conflicts of interest or commitment and whether the activity needs to be reported or approved. If the outside activity needs to be approved, the responsible parties (outlined below) are responsible for making the decision. Please be aware that outside activities can be approved for a maximum of four years.

The following offices will decide on requests for approval:

  • The Executive Board is responsible for requests from professors and scientific and technical-administrative staff at level 12 and above.
  • Academic department heads are responsible for requests from their scientific and technical-administrative staff at level 11 and below.
  • The relevant Executive Board member is responsible for requests from scientific and technical-administrative staff at level 11 and below who work in central administration or extradepartmental units.