Classic AEM manual (to be deleted by June!)

Touch UI is now available. There are already known issues with components or templates not functioning properly when in the Classic mode.
The Touch UI is required to edit the new wide Homepage template and in order to see and use all new components on wide pages. Refer to the new Touch UI manual for information about the new components and Touch UI functionality.
For legacy home and content page templates, for a short time, you can still reference this Classic manual, but we encourage you to switch all pages before the Classic UI is shutdown June 4, 2025. Timeline information for shutdown.
Legacy content page templates with the right column will be rendered read only in April and legacy homepages with the right column will be read only in September. Please switch all pages as soon as possible. Once the Classic UI is shutdown in June, this Classic manual will be removed!
IMPORTANT: For information on courses, Q&A dates and the new wide Homepage and its components and Touch UI functionality, go to the new Touch UI manual.
Classic AEM Manual Table of Contents
- chevron_rightWorking environments in AEMcms, aem, access rights, author, browser, editors, new users
- chevron_rightSites manager & Page templateslanguage setting, new page, adding pages, deactivation, deactivating pages, deleting pages, timed activation, timed deactivation, checking references, change URL, change Name, Move menu item, moving, renaming, workflow and other management icons, adding pages, creating pages, publishing pages, unpublishing pages, website structure, changing the name of a page, change the page title, change the name of a page, changing the title of a page, online, offline, publish, unpublish, rename, change url
- chevron_rightLanguage copies
- chevron_rightLive copies
- chevron_rightAssets manager window (DAM)upload assets, upload picture, images, files, activation, activate, delete, deleting, file types, file sizes, move, moving, renaming, rename
- chevron_rightPage editor windowcontent finder, sidekick, annotations, notes, sticky note, restore versions, activation, activate, preview, publishing pages, unpublishing pages, timewarp, child page, history, page logs, logs
- chevron_rightPage propertieshidden pages, hide pages, hiding pages, context area, Twitter card, CUG, carousel configuration, unit logos, partner logos, footer quick links, translated URL, parsing LaTex, color, appearance, colour, colour theme, website settings, switching page templates, changing page templates, switch, change, convert, page layout, wide page, page layout button, inherited paragraphs,changing the name of a page, change the page title, change the name of a page, changing the title of a page, discourage search engine, online, offline, publish, unpublish
- chevron_rightHomepage carousel
- chevron_rightWorkflow management window
- chevron_rightAEM Website functionality overviewsocial media, footer, contact page, footer contact, linkedin, twitter, instagram, facebook, favicon, header, website settings, link checker, breadcrumb
- chevron_rightNavigation functionalitysubnavigation, related content navigation, overview menu item
- chevron_rightEditing webpages overviewpage editor, activation, cache, image sizes, publishing pages, unpublishing pages
- chevron_rightAEM News overviewtags, newsfeed 2.0, newsfeed legacy, news article pages, panorama style, no image style, blog style, comments
- chevron_rightAEM components
- chevron_rightBasic components
- chevron_rightContact box
- chevron_rightContent 2-column
- chevron_rightContext information (deprecated and phasing out)inherit, inherited content
- chevron_rightImagecopyright, decoration image
- chevron_rightHighlight container
- chevron_rightHorizontal line
- chevron_rightLink list
- chevron_rightTablestable width, cell width
- chevron_rightText with imagehyphen, copyright, hyphenation, decoration image, bullet list
- chevron_rightExtended components
- chevron_rightCitation
- chevron_rightDisclaimer
- chevron_rightEvent calendar feed
- chevron_rightImage gallerycopyright, photo gallery, decoration image, slideshow
- chevron_rightNewsfeed (legacy)tags, filtering news
- chevron_rightNewsfeed 2.0tags, filtering news
- chevron_rightParagraph referenceinherit
- chevron_rightRSS feedatom feed
- chevron_rightTabs/Accordion
- chevron_rightForms & form componentselement name
- chevron_rightForm componentsupload file, store, confirmation email, element names, radio, checkbox, email, upload, confirmation,
- chevron_rightE-mail (with confirmation mail)
- chevron_rightStore content (with optional confirmation mail)
- chevron_rightContingent page forward
- chevron_rightDynamic form fields
- chevron_rightSpecial components
- chevron_rightAcademic calendar
- chevron_rightCode snippet
- chevron_rightCourse catalogue
- chevron_rightDaylight
- chevron_rightJob Portalopen positions, softfactor
- chevron_rightMap
- chevron_rightNews alert subscriptionSympa, Inxmail
- chevron_rightNews search
- chevron_rightPerson list overviewperson data
- chevron_rightPerson list
- chevron_rightEditing person cache pagesprofile page, eadressen, cv page, person detail page
- chevron_rightPerson detail page optionsshort URLs, whitelisting Leitzahls, blacklisting individuals, validation, and profile configuration
- chevron_rightIndividual person/CV pagecv page, person detail page
- chevron_rightPodcastPodigee, audio
- chevron_rightPublicationscitations, research collection
- chevron_rightSirop
- chevron_rightVideomovies, films
- chevron_rightVimeomovies, films
- chevron_rightYouTubemovies, films
- chevron_rightETHZ Homepage componentsTeaser box, white organizational box, organisational box, Homepage image, Carousel, social media images
- chevron_rightLead
- chevron_rightComponent availability