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The following offsettings, reclassifacations and correction entries are permitted:
You can pass on all or part of the posted material costs for which a document exists. Further allocation can be divided among up to three account assignment elements.
ETHIS: Invoices > Rebooking request for cost transfer. ETHIS Help
Allocate costs for internally performed services, goods deliveries, or equipment costs.
ETHIS: Invoices > Rebooking request for internal charging. ETHIS Help
Correct Account Assignment Element or G/L Account. The document to be corrected must be specified.
ETHIS: Invoices > Rebooking request for booking correction. ETHIS Help
In the current year:
Corrections to personnel costs due to employment or corrections to the distribution of personnel costs can be made within the current financial year via ETHIS Workflow, even retroactively.
ETHIS: HR Workflow > Change personnel cost distribution. protected page ETHIS Help
In an earlier year:
Retrospective corrections of personnel costs in an earlier year require a written justification and are requested with the Rebooking Request Wages. The correction is made exclusively in the financial data and is not updated in the HR data.
Personnel costs, e.g. for a holiday cover, can be passed on to the user unit according to "hours x rate". There are two rates available: 50 CHF/h or 100 CHF/h.
ETHIS: Invoices > Rebooking request for further charging of personnel costs. ETHIS Help
Recharging of earnings that cannot be rebooked via ETHIS workflows can be arranged using a form:
- protected page Recharging request form for earnings (German only)
Budgets are agreed values (not "credits"). A budget can therefore only be transferred in defined exceptional cases:
- Clearing deficits from the reserve or transferring unused budgets to the reserve (only for academic units)
- Establishment of spending plans for reserves
- Transfer from the reserve to a PSP element (use of the reserve)
- Granting an additional budget (budget transfer to the receiver unit)
- Transfer of reserves to the department, transfer of budgets from the department to a subordinate unit of the department during the year.
For these exceptional cases, please use the protected page budget transfer form. (German only)
Binzmühlestrasse 130