Ongoing projects

IT Security is en vogue and the net is vast and infinite. For further reading on the topic we recommend the following websites:


Blog by Bruce Schneier

Bruce Schneier is a widely respected security expert; he discusses high-level security issues in his blog.
external page Schneier on Security


The department of the Zurich Cantonal Police provides additional security in virtual space through prevention and suppression.
external page Cybercrime Portal of the Cantonal Police Zurich

European Union Agency for Network and Information Security

The external page European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) is a centre of expertise for cyber security in Europe.

Reporting and Analysis Centre for Information Assurance (MELANI)

The external page MELANI website is aimed at private computer and Internet users as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Switzerland.

"Security, Moore's law, and the anomaly of cheap complexity"

external page Thomas Dullien about the causes of IT security issues