Conflicts of interest
Conflicts of interest can result in financial and reputational risks, which is why their correct handling is crucial.
Avoiding and recognising conflicts of interest is a cornerstone of ETH Zurich’s active culture of individual responsibility and autonomy.
Members of ETH Zurich are therefore expected to be aware of any conflicts of interest that may arise. In this respect, besides their own perception, the possible perception by third parties must also be taken into account. Ensuring that the freedom of teaching and research is not impaired by conflicts of interest is crucial.
Where a conflict of interest cannot be avoided, it must be disclosed to the direct line manager, discussed and dealt with. Transparency is essential when it comes to potential conflicts of interest, in order to protect the integrity and reputation of both the employee and ETH Zurich.
Conflicts of interest
A conflict of interest exists in situations where the personal interests or circumstances of employees could influence their professional judgment, conduct or decisions at ETH Zurich.
Conflicts of interest may arise in particular in the following areas:
- Financial incentives
- Personal relations (relatives, friends etc.)
- Secondary occupations or mandates
- Purchasing transactions
- Use of ETH Zurich resources (e.g. in the context of spin-offs)
Specific examples
- The exercise of secondary occupations, e.g. as a board member, managing director or owner, can lead to conflicts of interest with employment by ETH Zurich.
- The hiring of spouses, partners or relatives.
- The handling of financial resources belonging to ETH Zurich, e.g. invitations, procurement, professional expenses and travel.
- Donations, endowments, etc. that can lead to conflicts with the principle of freedom of research and teaching.
- Private consultancy contracts. These must be concluded in one’s own name; the benefits and risks are the responsibility of the individual.
- The granting of rights or concessions to third parties.
- In connection with the development of a business idea (e.g. founding of a spin-off) and handling the ETH property and resources involved.
- Carrying out certain academic activities, such as assuming mandates, participating in committees, affiliating and participating in and organising research conferences. Potential conflicts of interest here must be borne in mind and avoided
Any conflict of commitment that affects the commitment of employees and counteracts contractual obligations must also be avoided.
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Bundespersonalgesetz (Swiss Federal Personnel Act, Art. 20 and 23); available only in German
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Personalverordnung ETH-Bereich, PVO-ETH (ETH Personnel Ordinance, Art. 56 et seq.); available only in German
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Ordinance of the ETH Board on professors at the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (RSETHZ 501, ETH Professorial Ordinance), Art. 6
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Richtlinien des ETH-Rates betreffend Nebenbeschäftigungen der Mitglieder der Schulleitungen der ETH und der Direktionen der Forschungsanstalten (Guidelines of the ETH Board on the outside activities of members of the ETH Executive Board and directors of research institutes, RSETHZ 501.4); available only in German
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Guidelines concerning conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment in connection with outside activities of professors and other employees of ETH Zurich (RSETHZ 501.2)
- chevron_right Guidelines for the financial exploitation of research results at ETH Zurich (German only, RSETHZ 440.4)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Directives concerning the employment of spouses, partners and relatives at ETH Zurich (RSETHZ 121.14)
- If you accept a mandate as a managing director or board member, or a political office, you must register this (via the ETHIS workflow for outside activities). Board member and managing director mandates are generally subject to approval.
- Outside activities require authorisation if the interests or reputation of ETH Zurich could be affected or if employees use ETH infrastructure.
- If you make purchases, consult purchasing coordination and clarify whether you have already signed a declaration of impartiality. Observe the rules of impartiality in purchasing.
- ETH employees are obliged to disclose to the responsible HR unit (personnel manager) if their partner is looking for a job in the same area and is in the process of applying.
- Do not accept invitations involving unusually high amounts (>CHF 200). The same applies to gifts made specifically to you.
- If you accept a private consulting mandate, use only your private address and infrastructure.
- Make sure when placing any assignments, orders, purchases or projects with ETH Zurich spin-off companies that no conflict of interest arises. If in doubt, contact Financial Services.
- Use personnel, infrastructure and financial resources of ETH Zurich only within the scope of your employment (i.e. no misuse).
- IP rights: Contact the Vice President for Knowledge Transfer and Corporate Relations to report conflicts of interest arising from the assignment of IP rights.
- Professors: Report conflicts of interest related to outside activities to the Office for Faculty Affairs.