(Image: ETH Zürich) 

Who can take part in Scientifica?

All members of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich whose research and/or teaching fits the theme of 2023: “What holds the world together?”. We will consider all suitable projects. The steering committee is scheduled to make its final decision on participation in March 2023.

We would like to get involved in Scientifica, but we are not sure whether our research fits with this year’s theme.

Get in touch with us, and we can have a look at your idea together.

We would like to take part in Scientifica, but we don’t know how/cannot find a format for presenting our project in an original and understandable way.

Please contact us – we are happy to help you find a suitable format.

Financing/budgets: will funding be available for individual projects and/or student compensation?

Scientifica is a platform that allows researchers to present their field of activity to a wide audience. Space, high-quality and standardised basic infrastructure for the exhibition, and a stage for special events, etc. are provided free of charge. The package of free basic services also includes the promotion and advertising of the event. Content, exhibits, exhibitors’ time and any additional booth staff must be provided or financed by the participating researchers themselves. In exceptional cases, support may be provided for individual presentations and exhibits that are particularly resource-intensive.

We would like to present our research at the exhibition. How many people should we have at our booth?

We recommend at least two people at all times. However, three is better, if only to ensure adequate cover when one is on a break.