Living respect
At ETH Zurich, people with different perspectives and in many varied roles study, do research and work together. By fostering a culture of mutual respect, we create an inclusive and inspiring environment where everyone can develop their full potential and perform at their best.
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We all contribute to a culture of respect
Mutual respect is essential for a lively, innovative and productive university community with a high level of performance that achieves top ratings. Respect builds trust and creates a sense of security. With respect, we can talk to each other openly and on equal terms, think critically and scrutinise, discuss new approaches or other perspectives, however controversial. With respect, potential friction becomes constructive and productive.
We all have a duty to play a part. Daily, our thinking and actions shape the university’s culture of respect. The Respect Programme promotes respect in the university community with a very diverse package of measures.
Note for students
Please visit the Living respect page on our Student portal.
Topical, diverse, suitable for everyone: the Respect Programme
The current Respect Programme builds on the previous Respect campaigns and offers information, tutorials and dialogues on different topics. They range from collaboration and team culture to creativity, problem solving, conflict management and inclusion. With a broad selection of formats to choose from, the content you are interested in can be flexibly integrated into daily campus life.
Respect – Reflect – Respond
The Respect Programme includes three key steps that set out for all ETH members the underlying principles of a collective culture of respect and a values-based, inclusive way of working together:

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How to deal with inappropriate behaviour
Details of how to show respect as an ETH member are set out in the Respect Code of Conduct and in the six Social and Leadership Competencies. Our university does not tolerate discrimination, harassment, bullying or any type of behaviour that contravenes the Code of Conduct.
Have you personally experienced or witnessed inappropriate behaviour? You should report it – ETH has numerous internal and external services that can offer advice and support. All reports are treated in strict confidence, and we are there to support you! According to employment regulations, only when problems are reported can ETH respond with disciplinary measures or formal action against proven misconduct.