Inaugural and Farewell Lectures
Newly appointed and retiring professors receive timely notification regarding their inaugural or farewell lecture. Among other things, we look after the printing of the programme and the poster and their distribution within ETH.
Inaugural lecture
All professors taking office can give an inaugural lecture. Detailed information regarding the organisation can be found in the respective
► leaflet from the rector (see link below)
Farewell lecture
Retiring professors are free to choose whether or not to give a farewell lecture. Detailed information regarding the organisation can be found in the respective
► leaflet from the rector (see link below)
Following the inaugural/farewell lecture, the speakers can organise an apéritif, for example in front of the Auditorium Maximum (always reserved) or in the Faculty Restaurant Dozentenfoyer.
Apéritif in front of the Auditorium Maximum:
e.g. SV-Service, tel. 044 632 62 07
Apéritif in the Faculty Restaurant Dozentenfoyer:
Inquiries and Reservations through Events & Location Development,
tel. 044 632 22 33,
Catering in the Dozentenfoyer is carried out exclusively by SV-Service, tel. 044 632 62 58
ETH Zurich
Raemistrasse 101, HG F 10.1