Vice President for Research
Christian Wolfrum has been Vice President for Research since January 2023.
The Vice President for Research with his staff and the three administrative departments are committed to excellent, free and open research that is characterised by personal responsibility and crosses boundaries between disciplines and institutions. To this end, they promote, support and advise researchers at all career levels on networks and research infrastructures as well as on projects and careers. Together with the Rector, he is also responsible for evaluations of the departments and ETH units, reporting and policies that contribute to the quality assurance of research at ETH Zurich. In addition, he is responsible for ensuring scientific integrity and is committed to ensuring that this is practised at ETH Zurich.
Area of responsibility
The following units report to the Vice President for Research:
Interdisciplinary research initiatives (competence centres, NCCRs, etc.)
- external pagecall_made AgroVet-Strickhof
- chevron_right Binnig and Rohrer Nanotechnology Center (BRNC)
- chevron_right Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM)
- chevron_right Centre for Origin and Prevalence of Life (COPL)
- external pagecall_made Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico (CSCS)
- chevron_right Collegium Helveticum
- chevron_right Digital Trial Intervention Platform (dTIP)
- chevron_right ETH Institut für Theoretische Studien (ETH-ITS)
- chevron_right ETH Phenomics Center
- chevron_right FIRST-Lab
- external pagecall_made Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ)
- external pagecall_made Hochschulmedizin Zürich
- chevron_right NEXUS Personalized Health Technologies
- chevron_right Schweizerischer Erdbebendienst (SED)
- chevron_right Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy (ScopeM)
- chevron_right Singapore-ETH Center (SEC)
- external pagecall_made Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)