Language style guides and glossary
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German style guide
The German style guide (Deutscher Sprachleitfaden) contains standard German grammar conventions and important things to bear in mind when writing and editing texts for ETH Zurich.
Download German style guide (PDF, 219 KB)
The Federal Chancellery also has a very useful spelling and style guide external page Schreibweisungen des Bundes as well as external page rules on writing gender-neutral German (in German only). external page Duden is also a useful resource.
The following resources serve primarily as a reference for non-native speakers at ETH working and writing in English, but will also help translators to deliver English texts that maintain ETH language style.
English style guide
These guidelines provide tips on writing in English. They consolidate recommendations on a) general writing style, b) English grammar and spelling and c) professional correspondence in English.
Download English style guide (PDF, 478 KB)
Inclusive and Gender-sensitive language
Language shapes our thinking, perception and actions. While it can communicate respect and recognition, it can also convey the opposite. In keeping with its social and leadership competencies, ETH Zurich engages in respectful and inclusive communication free of discrimination.
ETH Diversity provides a compilation of useful tips on gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory language.
Corporate Communications German-English glossary
The term base contains terminology specific to ETH. You can perform searches from German into English and vice versa. Please look at the screenshots provided for instructions about logging in and how to look up terms.
When working with translation agencies for the first time, Corporate Communications recommends you send them a link to the new Corporate Communications glossary. We can upon request provide translation agencies with a download of all the entries. If you would like us to do so, reach out to us. We would also recommend providing them with copies of our German style guide (Deutscher Sprachleitfaden) and English style guide, which will ensure that translations are in keeping with ETH language style.
Corporate Communications would also be pleased to assist you in finding suitable translation agencies.