Homework assignment

Last update: 17.09.2021, 09:56


  • A variety of different homework assigments can be offered (see examples) as part of semester performances or cDownload ontinuous performance assessments for end-of-semester or session examinations
  • Here is it essential that the task is clear; that it reflects the learning objectives of the course (Didactic suggestions and tips); and that it takes into account that an exchange of students cannot be excluded.
  • Clear, previously defined criteria must be applied to grading.


  • Write an essay on a self-selected or prescribed topic
  • Plan and describe a study
  • Create a (scientific) poster
  • Write an (extended) abstract
  • Conduct literature research and summarise the results
  • Compile a case study
  • Create simulations and models
  • Create programming code or software
  • Make a diagram or drawing
  • Analyse data, with documentation
  • Create a video or podcast, e.g.
    • Video tutorial on a particular topic
    • Record a pre-prepared presentation (with audio, with or without image)
  • Develop a product, including documentation (e.g. a campaign or machine part)
  • Write lecture notes on individual topics
  • Summarise several significant contributions on a theme (e.g. new forum contributions and active discussion participation)


To note

  • The Moodle activity external page Assignment is recommended to collect, evaluate and give feedback. Alternatively, Polybox can be used to upload documents (HOW-TO Video).
  • Declaration of originality: The Moodle activity external page Assignment now requires a declaration of originality by default ("Submission settings" -> "Require that students accept the submission statement"). Use this template if the submission is made in a different way.
  • Homework assignments can be conducted in groups and with peer feedback (see Didactic suggestions and tips). Students can be assigned to groups either manually or with the help of external page Group Choice activity in Moodle. The external page Workshop activity supports the procedure of assignments with peer feedback.
  • Video recording: Zoom, Opencast Studio and other software (Powerpoint, Camtasia etc.) can be used to record videos (see also Do-it-yourself recordings).
  • Plagiarism check: Submitted assignments can be checked for plagiarism using PlagScan. Assignments can be supplemented with an oral examination to confirm authorship.