Business expenses
Restraint, modesty and transparency must be practised in all dealings with business expenses at ETH Zurich.
Business expenses, in particular for travel, entertainment and accommodation, must be limited to the essentials.
Business and private expenses must be kept separate. The Corporate Credit Card may only be used for business purposes. Any expenses relating to private companions must always be paid from private funds.
The ETH Zurich regulations must be observed in all cases. The provisions therein apply to all funds and the budgets allocated from them, including third-party funds and reserves.
Reimbursement will only be made for expenses actually incurred and for which receipts or invoices, either in paper or electronic form, can be presented.
Any error and inaccuracy in the accounting of business expenses by staff may result in legal consequences and damage to reputation.
The extent of travel and subsistence expenses that may be charged to ETH funds during sabbaticals is specified in the approval given by the Vice President for Personnel Development and Leadership.
Secondary employment
Business expenses in connection with the secondary employment of professors may not be charged to ETH funds.
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Financial Regulations of ETH Zurich, Section 13 (RSETHZ 245)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom ETH Zurich Regulations concerning Business Expenses (RSETHZ 245.3)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Directives concerning Sabbaticals for Professors of ETH Zurich (RSETHZ 510.10)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Guidelines concerning conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment in connection with outside activities of professors and other employees of ETH Zurich (RSETHZ 501.2)
The provisions in the regulations cannot cover every individual case. Where necessary, orientate yourself by the general spirit of the guidelines and the culture that prevails at
ETH Zurich. In the context of personal responsibility and autonomy, let common sense be your guide. Restraint, prudence and transparency should govern all your dealings with business expenses.
Orders or order confirmations are not accepted as proof of payment and cannot be used to claim expense reimbursement.
Business expenses paid privately in advance will only be reimbursed if appropriate proof, such as a private credit card statement or receipt, is submitted.
Avoiding double payments
- Receipts for business expenses paid with the Corporate Credit Card must be strictly separated from receipts for privately prepaid business expenses.
- Once submitted, receipts must be marked or destroyed so as to ensure they cannot be resubmitted.
No spirits and tobacco products may be charged via ETH funds.
Make sure that claims for reimbursement of business expenses are correctly recorded, submitted in full including receipts, and authorised in line with the regulations.
Take advantage of the services offered by our partners. Use the SBB Business Customers platform to order and purchase train tickets.
ETH Zurich has its own rental station operated by Europcar; you benefit here from special rates.
For air travel bookings, please contact our partner Kuster Reisen AG. Take advantage of the experience of the travel specialists and the discounts offered to ETH and federal organisations. Should you need to rebook or cancel flights, their conditions are favourable.
Most providers of booking platforms are not members of the Guarantee Fund of the Swiss Travel Industry. If a provider becomes insolvent, ETH does not guarantee to reimburse services that have been paid for but not received.
ETH travel services can provide no assistance in the event of a cancellation or change to a booking of any trip not booked through Kuster Reisen AG.
Continuing education
Encourage your administrative staff to attend training courses offered by the Accounting, Controlling and Financial Services departments.