Student Services
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The department Student Services (StS) coordinates all the activities and services for potential and existing students. This includes helping future students to choose a course of studies, and preparing them for the reality of the study programme they have chosen. There are several points of contact for advice and support available for students during their course of study, such as stress management, learning, time management, financial matters, housing, studying with disability/chronic illness, studies and elite sport, studying as a parent.
Secondary school students have various opportunities to find out about ETH Zurich and its range of courses. The activities are staged throughout the secondary school years. They include:
- ETH on the road: ETH visits secondary schools
- ETH Study Weeks: a deeper insight into a particular course, lasting a full week
- Course information days: all ETH study programmes at a glance including trial lectures
- Exhibition of Matura (A-Level) projects: lively discussion with experts from ETH and feedback about their own work
More information about the orientation acitivies (in German)
The Study Programme Advisory Team is also available for one-to-one chats concerning choice of study.
The Counselling & Coaching Centre offers offers a wide range of counseling services and various support options for both prospective and current students. The counsellors and coaches are there for the students not only when they face challenges during their studies such as crises, motivational lows, learning management issues, or exam stress. The counsellors also support students in situations that require additional coordination, such as studying with a disability, studying as a parent, or studies and elite sport.
Find more about the offering:
- Prospective Bachelor's Students
- Matriculated Bachelor’s & Master's degree students
- Studying with a disability/chronic disease
- Studying as a parent
- Studies and elite sport
The team of the Financial Aid Office advises students on issues relating to financing their studies.
It handles applications for ETH scholarships and loans as well as requests for contributions to travel costs. It is also responsible for checking and processing requests for special scholarships and study contributions from various funds and foundations for which special terms and conditions apply.
Financial matters (current and prospective students)
Financial matters (for doctoral students)
Student scholarships (for departments)
All students and employees of University and ETH Zurich can use the services of the Housing Office. Everyone, also non members of the two universities, are welcome to advertise accommodation. You can place adverts for rooms, apartments or houses which are located in Zurich and its surroundings. The accommodation can be furnished or unfurnished and it can be available temporarily or open-ended.
More information and the accommodation adverts are available on the website. The full details of the adverts are only accessible for registered users who identify themselves as members of UZH/ETH whilst creating a user account. In order to advertise accommodation a separate user account can be created easily on the website.
Housing office University / ETH Zurich
Organisation of Student Services
The administrative department Student Services reports to the Rector