Subscription options

How can I change my address and the delivery method or choose a different language?

A print copy of life magazine can be sent to your home or office address, or you can subscribe to the electronic version. The magazine is available in German and English.
The life editorial team does not have access to any personal data or addresses. You can change the address or delivery method online at All ETH members can use the site, and you need to log in using your ETH password.

Changing your address:

  • You can change your home and office address on the “Addresses” tab

Selecting the language, place of delivery and electronic version:

  • On the “Deliveries” tab, you can choose either the German or English edition, specify the place of delivery for the print edition (home or office address), subscribe to an electronic PDF version only (email and no postal deliveries) or unsubscribe from life completely (no postal deliveries).

Who receives life magazine?

life is primarily aimed at administrative, technical and scientific employees of ETH Zurich. The magazine is normally sent by post to their homes so that their friends and relatives can also gain an insight into the world of ETH. life is also delivered to employees of organisations affiliated with ETH (e.g. ETH Zurich Foundation, the ETH Board, vdf Hochschulverlag), as well as retired ETH employees and partners of deceased professors.


Editorial "life"
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