Contact information placement
There is no general solution for the position of contact information. Depending on the intent to the user, it can be placed in different places on a webpage.
In many cases, the information in the right column was supplementary information and therefore, the bottom of the page will make sense. However, if for example the information was important and needed to be seen initially by a user on page load, then it may need to be moved closer to the top of the page.
In the case of inherited content, the author will need to decide whether the information was simply inherited but not really needed for the page or whether it is actually needed. If it is needed, then before switching parent pages, one may need to copy component information to the content area of a subpage before making the switch of a parent page with inherited content on subpages below.
Display options for contact boxes
Stand alone in content area
The default display in the content area of a wide page is a horizontal layout. The default border colour is grey, but one can to align the colour with the standard website/webpage colour theme by marking the configuration box in the component dialogue (Figure 1).

Two column display
For contact information for two persons on a page, the protected page 2-column container can be used to display two contact boxes side by side. The display will always be vertical and should use the restricted to text width option in the 2-column container for the best display (Figure 2). For listing more than two person's contact information, the protected page Person list component should be considered.
Placement examples for contact boxes
When contact information is of primary importance on a page, it may make sense to place a Contact box component at the top of a page near the title/lead information. This can be by directly placing a Contact box component on the page at the top (Figure 3) or placing an anchor hyperlink at the top page which links to a Contact box component at the bottom of a page (Figure 4).
An alternative to direct placement of one or more contact boxes on a page, whether at the top or the bottom, is to place a contact box in an accordion item in an protected page Accordion container. Figures 5 shows an example for a single contact with the accordion closed and showing the display after a user clicks the accordion open in Figure 6.