End page

End page + closer on image:

End page + closer on black background:


Composition: 02_endpage


First page: title A, subtitle A (text is taken from start page)

Following page(s): roles, names.
There are multiple possible pages, separated by fades.

The closer always follows the last page of the end page. The closer must be added manually.


Repeats the start page and closing credits


The end page directly precedes the closer.


The following components may not be modified:
font, bar, animation

The first page (title A, subtitle A) does not have to be used.


Text formats are pre-defined and are automatically available when using the AE project.


Opacity of the bar and text must be between 30% and 100%. The text must be easy to read.

The closer must always be 100% opaque.


The original position is recommended when using the end page immediately before the closer.

Underlying video

Important video content is in the upper third. The lower two-thirds should be graphically plain (lines, contrasts) and somewhat dark. Pulling focus may (but does not have to) be used.


Flexible length – the standard length provided in the template is usually good.