Switching an AEM website to Emeritus status

As per ETH policy, if a professor retires, he or she has the option to either decommission their website or they can choose to keep it online. If keeping the website online, the URL should change to emeritus status (emeritus.xxx.ethz.ch). This should be requested using the form below.

In addition to the URL change, the website's content should be changed such that it does not appear to be a current functioning research unit website. An example of how a website should be adapted is as follows:

  • Change the tense of content to past tense such as 'Our research focused on...'.
  • Remove all pages to do with job postings and courses or any other components referencing database information that is not up-to-date.
  • Remove all non-functioning links such as manual links to people CV pages that may no longer exist in the system and instead use static text if wanting to list alumni members.