Resources and Learnings

ETH Diversity initiates, manages and supports projects that promote an equality-orientated, family-friendly, non-discriminatory and barrier-free university. On this page you will find projects by and with ETH Diversity as well as a compilation of resources and learning opportunities.

Gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory language

Language is our primary medium for communication. It influences perception and interpretation of reality, which ultimately results in attitudes and behaviours. Language conveys attitudes, values and meanings - it is not neutral and changes with social developments. Therefore, language and its use in communication can be an expression of respect and recognition.

ETH Zurich regards linguistic equality and inclusion as a matter of course. We therefore work to present a contemporary and pioneering image through language usage both internally and externally. ETH Diversity is currently working on standardised communication guidelines together with representatives of various communities within and outside ETH Zurich. (Until these are published, ETH relies on the interest and personal responsibility of all members of the university to find the right approach for them).

Here you can find the recommendations of ETH Diversity and further information on the topic of inclusive language 

Equal Tools

With ‘EQUAL tools’, ETH Diversity has compiled a catalogue of measures for the promotion of equal opportunities at (technical) universities.

EQUAL tools provides an overview of many different programmes, support services, documents and ideas on the topics of career development, gender aspects in teaching and research, compatibility of career or studies and family, as well as discrimination and sexual harassment.

Find the Equal Tools and further information here (only in German)

Free period products

In order to ensure the best possible working and study environment for its members, ETH Zurich has simplified access to menstrual products on campus since the autumn semester of 2021. ETH Diversity has played a key role in ensuring that tampons and sanitary towels are available free of charge at menstruation stations on all four ETH Zurich campuses.

Here you can find the locations of the menstrual products and further information

E- Learnings

The e-learning ‘Dealing with sexual harassment in everyday study and work life’ for all ETH members provides knowledge about forms of sexual harassment and tools for responding to it - whether as a victim or an observer. ETH Diversity contributed to this e-learning programme. Click here for the e-learning.

Unconscious preconceptions can lead to us unintentionally treating people unfairly or discriminating against them. In a new e-learning on the topic of ‘Unconscious Bias’, which ETH Diversity was involved in creating, ETH members learn how such biases arise, what consequences they have and how they can be avoided. Click here for the e-learning.

Checklist for diversity-sensitive events

Zur Unterseite Checkliste für diversitätssensible Events

Whether it's an international conference, a local symposium or an internal workshop - it's worth paying attention to diversity-sensitive and inclusive organisation when planning events. On this page you will find some practical aspects that can be considered when organising events, as well as helpful links and references to further guidelines.

Offers and Projects

All current events organised by ETH Diversity can be found in our event overview page.

Respect Campaign and Events

In autumn 2021, the Respect campaign at ETH Zurich entered the next round. With the new slogan ‘Make a point when others don't. Stand up for respect. Stand up for respect.’ and the “Respect Events”, ETH Zurich once again put the topic of respect centre stage. ETH Diversity organised some of the events.

Respect - Reflect - Respond: The new Respect programme launched in 2024 builds on the previous Respect campaigns and offers information, training and dialogue in various areas. The offerings range from collaboration and team culture to creativity and problem solving, conflict management and inclusion. Thanks to various formats, the content can be flexibly integrated into everyday university life.


Link leads to ETH Diversity page on Anti-Racism

For Black History Month, ETH Diversity, in collaboration with author C. Mignan, ETH Diversity has compiled an extensive list of resources (literature, podcasts, social media channels) that offer the possibility to further educate oneself on various topics related to anti-racism.

Against Sexual Harassment

Link leads to resources page of the Sexual Harassment Awareness Day

ETH Zurich is taking part in the yearly Sexual Harassment Awareness Day. On the page of the national campaign you find helpful resources on this important topic.  


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