Personal data

Have your personal details changed? You can use the web-based employee portal in protected page ETHIS to view, maintain and update your personal and employment data. Please remember to make changes in time. Thank you!

Enlarged view: Employee portal
Employee portal in ETHIS

Data protection

Comprehensive data protection is a major concern for ETH Zurich. VPPL is aware of the importance of data protection and complies with the applicable regulations and guidelines. This particularly relates to the processing of sensitive data, such as medical information or personal passwords, or the obligation to retain records.

Extensive information on data protection at ETH Zurich can be found here (German):
Download Personalverordnung für den Bereich der ETH (PDF, 1.4 MB)
external page Bundesgesetz über den Datenschutz (DSG)
external page Verordnung zum Bundesgesetz über den Datenschutz
Download ETH Zurich Acceptable Use Policy for Information and Communications Technology (“BOT”)