Evaluation: Course units
Course units and examinations will be evaluated alternately. During a course unit cycle no examinations except first-year-examinations will be evaluated. When possible, Faculty discuss the results with the students in the lecture hall.
Autumn Semester 2024 and Spring Semester 2025 – Evaluation of course units and first-year examinations
Evaluation of course units
All course units which satisfy the following three criteria will be evaluated online:
- The course unit courses are part of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme or the Teaching Certificate.
- The course unit contains courses of types V, G or P
- At least five persons are signed up for the course unit.
Course units which contain courses of types S can be evaluated upon request. The questionnaire for seminars will be used.
Evaluation of first-year examinations
Additionally, all written first-year examinations will be evaluated. Surveys will open generally on the day of the exam at 17:00h. Participants are inivited to surveys based on registrations for examination.
Timing of surveys
Course evaluation in the auditorium to increase the return rate
Lecturers can increase the return rate by conducting the teaching evaluation survey in the auditorium. From the 10th week of the semester onwards they can set the starting date of the survey themselves via the following link:
We recommend to set the start date and time of the survey one hour prior to the lecture. An invitation email will be sent to the students at this time. Later, students can fill in the questionnaire on a mobile device during the lecture. Just tell them to click on the link in the invitation email they received.
Default starting date
If lecturers do nothing, the surveys will start by default on Thursday of the 11th week of the semester (not counting the lecture free week during spring semester). 11 days later lecturers will receive the results by email.
Would you prefer a later start
Please set the starting date of the survey yourself, via the above link. Conduct the survey online in the auditorium. This will also increase the response rate.
Would you prefer an earlier start?
Please inform the contact person in your department if the starting date on Thursday of the 11th week of the semester is too late for your course (half-semester course).
Evaluation of examinations upon request
Examinations will not be evaluated during the evaluation cycle of course units, unless they meet all three following requirements:
- the examinaton received critical values in the previous evaluation;
- and appropriate measures of improvement have been implemented and reported to the Rector;
- and the examination is a session examination.
If you wish to have an evaluation regarding an examination that fulfills the above mentioned requirements, please inform the contact person of your department before mid-semester.
- Location location_onHAD F 6.1
- Phone phone+41 44 632 60 75
- Emailemailclaudia.merki@ethz.ch
- contactsvCard Download
Abt. für Lehre und Lernen
Haldenbachstr. 44
Technical and operational
We are happy to help you with any conceptual, technical and operational aspects of evaluation in teaching.