
Please note: Since the design refresh of May 2024, your ETHIS display differs in color from the screenshots shown on these pages. However, the help content is still valid.

Reports HR

  • The protected page Personnel Costs report gives you an overview of the monthly costs for wages and social contributions. (Only available in German)
  • The Employees list combines the previous lists "Entries", "Departures" and "Birthdays" and offers eployee selection and financing details. (Only available in German)
  • In the Personnel Master Data Sheet you will find the most important data of your employees at a glance. (Only available in German)
  • The Employment Data Overview show the course of employment for the selected period. (Only available in German)


The Line Item report is a list of individual postings for actual costs/revenues and provides access to the corresponding posting documents. (Only available in German)

The Cost Centre report gives you an overview of the financial situation of a cost centre. (Only available in German)

The Project report gives you an overview of the financial situation of a project.

The RC report gives you an overview of the financial situation of a responsibility centre.