Teaching and examining

Communication and participants management in eDoz
- An overview of students registered for the course is available at any time in eDoz.
- Various lists can be generated and exported.
- You may communicate with students via email distribution lists.
Making learning materials available in eDoz
To make slides, notes and other teaching materials available you may set up a document repository in eDoz. This repository will be accessible to all students registered for the course unit.
Activate and motivate students with the EduApp
To elicit answers to questions or feedback on teaching you may deploy the EduApp. The EduApp offers clicker functions and is a way to receive immediate feedback during class.
Moodle learning platform
You may deploy a web-based learning platform for your course. Moodle is the centrally supported platform at ETH.
eDoz vs myStudies
Please note that eDoz and myStudies draw on the same database, although the data is represented differently for professors/teaching staff(eDoz) and students (myStudies).
Examinations Office
The Examinations Office is the first point of contact for problems during performance assessments / examinations.
Bringing examinations forward
Oral examinations: Within the session, it is possible to shift oral examinations with the permission of the examiner (see eDoz / myStudies, “Reschedulung Form for Oral Examinations”).
Written examinations: After the examination schedule has been published it is no longer possible to shift written examinations.
Supervision of papers/projects/theses
Professors/teaching staff who supervise research work and Bachelor’s/Master’s theses assume co-responsibility for these. In particular, they are co-responsible for seeing that the agreements reached before the project/thesis begins are meaningful and realistic.
Improper conduct
The Vice Rector for Study Programmes sends Download information on examinations (PDF, 260 KB) to all examiners shortly before examination sessions begin. This information contains explicit information on reporting requirements.
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Conducting written examinations (in German) (PDF, 96 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Conducting oral examinations (in German) (PDF, 123 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Conducting multiple-choice examinations (in German) (PDF, 98 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Scoring written examinations (in German) (PDF, 119 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Scoring oral examinations (in German) (PDF, 120 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Assessing and scoring multiple-choice examinations (in German) (PDF, 121 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Vice Rector examination information (“Checklist Examinations”) (PDF, 260 KB)
The checklists are in German.
Viewing of performance assessments (examinations) records
Students who have undergone a performance assessment have the right to view their records for a period of six months after announcement of the respective results.
The main purpose of this viewing right is to enable students to see the mistakes they made and to understand the criteria for correction and points allocation.
It follows that students also have the right to receive answers to their questions and to take brief handwritten notes.
Contact: Education Legislation
For further information see the
Download Directive on viewing and transfer of performance assessment records (PDF, 86 KB)
For deadlines see Download Art. 5 (PDF, 86 KB) of the Directive.
Contesting grades
Students who do not agree with a grade or performance assessment result can request an appealable decree from the respective Study Administration Office within 30 days of receiving the grade or result. This decree contains instructions on the right of appeal and details the procedure students must follow if they wish to lodge an appeal with the ETH Appeals Commission in Bern within 30 days.
The appeal may cite legal violations such as examination procedures which contravened regulations or diverged from the examination schedule. For all questions in this regard students should be directed to the Legal action website or the unit for Administration of Academic Legal Cases.
In the context of legal cases, and especially appeals, a statement from the affected examiners/lecturers will be obtained.
Unit for Administration of Academic Legal Cases: Contact details
Vice Rector for Study Programmes: Contact details
Information for students regarding legal action is available here:
- Legal action information website
- Download Information on legal action (PDF, 551 KB) (PDF)
- external page Website of the ETH Appeals Commission
- external page Information sheet on the appeals proceedings (PDF)
Art. 30 of the ETH Zurich Ordinance on Performance Assessments
Correcting grades
Examiners/lecturers may no longer change grades or results after a grades list has been entered in eDoz.
However, if the grade or result has not yet been decreed by the responsible Study Administration Office or adopted by a grading conference, the Study Administration Office may still change it. Submit any such request for correction directly and immediately to the Study Administration Office of your department.
If the grade or result has been decreed, i.e. communicated to the student by the Study Administration Office, examiners/lecturers may not envision changing it. This applies as soon as the grade is displayed in eDoz under “Registrations & Results” (Communication/Lists > Performance assessments).
Correcting grades: procedure
If an examiner/lecturer wishes to correct a decreed grade or result, he/she should inform the Study Administration Office responsible for the student in question.
The communication must proceed via the designated form. It must contain comprehensible grounds and any relevant documents.
The corrected grade will only appear in eDoz and myStudies after it has been decreed once more by the Study Administration Office. Direct correction in eDoz is not possible.
eDoz Help pages
Storage of records
Written performance assessment records and logs of oral performance assessments are stored by the examiner/lecturer for a period of two years following communication of the results, and must then be destroyed. Exceptions are the records of written performance assessments and the logs of oral performance assessments which are being appealed. These may only be destroyed two years after a legal decision has been reached.
The same applies to written papers/theses which contain corrections.