Course scheduling

NEW: Room- and Course scheduling from HS 2020
Course Catalogue
The Course Catalogue contains all ETH Zurich courses, structured according to degree programmes and categories.
The Course Catalogue contains not just the timetable but also all details of the individual course units, e.g. the type and mode of the respective performance assessments.
Entries in the Course Catalogue are legally binding from the time the semester begins. They may only be changed in exceptional, substantiated cases via the Vice Rector for Study Programmes.
At the request of the respective departmental teaching commission, courses are entered in the curriculum of a degree programme via the department conference of the department responsible for the degree programme.
The Course Catalogue is compiled by the schedule coordination of the respective departments; the entire is coordinated by the Room and Course Scheduling Office.
Good to know
- Lecture times
The times of lectures and classes vary according to location. - Room information
including infrastructure, teaching technology and contact details - Room request
New course units
New course units are entered according to the information provided by the teaching staff to the respective department schedule coordination.
In the concept phase teaching staff can view and check their entries in eDoz.
Course units also offered in the previous year
If course units were offered in the previous year, the data is automatically carried over in the Course Catalogue.
Teaching staff may make changes in the correction phase, via eDoz. These are checked by the schedule coordinators and accepted if they adhere to regulations.
After the close of the correction phase, any additional changes before the semester begins can only be made by the schedule coordinators.
Catalogue data and learning materials may be entered, corrected and added to in eDoz at any time.
Procedure in eDoz for new entry of or changes to
Student teaching assistants
Doctoral assistants and student teaching assistants are involved in many courses, and particularly in practical exercises.
Ask your department whether specific resources are available for them.
Doctoral assistants and student teaching assistants taking part must be designated by the time the course begins.
Doctoral assistants and student teaching assistants have no access themselves to course unit data. However, the instructor can allocate various deputy functions to Doctoral teaching assistants in eDoz (this does not apply to student teaching assistants).
For Student teaching assistants:
Continuing education for Student Teaching Assistants
For Doctoral assistants:
Continuing education in university teaching