Outside employment and other activities

The document entitled ‘Guidelines concerning conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment in connection with the outside activities of professors and other employees of ETH Zurich’ applies to all outside employment or activities undertaken by professors and employees at the university. These guidelines replace the guidelines for professors that were previously in effect and spell out in greater detail the provisions for employees contained in the Personnel Ordinance, which retains its validity as an overarching policy.

Depending on the type and scope of outside employment or activity, employees engaged in outside pursuits may be subject to a reporting requirement and may also need to seek approval from an office with the relevant authority.

Purpose of the guidelines

The purpose of the guidelines is to increase awareness about the issue of outside employment/activities and the potential conficts of interest and reputational risks that could result. The guidelines also aim to create more transparency by spelling out the provisions and basic principles regarding outside employment and other activities.

Conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment

It is generally permitted to engage in outside employment and other activities. However, this is only permissible if there is no conflict of interest and no reduction in performance at one’s job at ETH Zurich (conflict of commitment).

Reporting and approval requirement  

Depending on the type and scope of outside employment or activity, employees engaged in outside pursuits may be subject to a reporting requirement and may need to seek approval from an office with approval authority. This process creates transparency and helps to detect any reputational risks to ETH Zurich at an early stage.


We will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have via e-mail.

Contact for:

  • Employees
  • Professors