Outside employment and other activities
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The document entitled ‘Guidelines concerning conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment in connection with the outside activities of professors and other employees of ETH Zurich’ applies to all outside employment or activities undertaken by professors and employees at the university. These guidelines replace the guidelines for professors that were previously in effect and spell out in greater detail the provisions for employees contained in the Personnel Ordinance, which retains its validity as an overarching policy.
Depending on the type and scope of outside employment or activity, employees engaged in outside pursuits may be subject to a reporting requirement and may also need to seek approval from an office with the relevant authority.
Purpose of the guidelines
The purpose of the guidelines is to increase awareness about the issue of outside employment/activities and the potential conficts of interest and reputational risks that could result. The guidelines also aim to create more transparency by spelling out the provisions and basic principles regarding outside employment and other activities.
It is generally permitted to engage in outside employment and other activities. However, this is only permissible if there is no conflict of interest and no reduction in performance at one’s job at ETH Zurich (conflict of commitment).
A conflict of interest exists if the personal interests or circumstances of employees could affect their professional judgment, conduct or decisions at ETH Zurich. Outside employment and activities are subject to approval if a conflict of interest cannot be ruled out.
Learn more about conflicts of interest.
As a rule, employees are obligated to use their contractually agreed working time for their job at ETH Zurich. Any outside employment must not impair the performance of employees in their employment at the university. Outside employments that result in impaired performance require approval and may possibly result in a reduction of the existing level of employment.
Learn more about conflicts of commitment.
Depending on the type and scope of outside employment or activity, employees engaged in outside pursuits may be subject to a reporting requirement and may need to seek approval from an office with approval authority. This process creates transparency and helps to detect any reputational risks to ETH Zurich at an early stage.
The reporting requirement applies to all employees and professors. Scientific staff and administrative-technical staff at level 11 and below and with a level of employment of less than 80% are exempt from the reporting requirement, provided that conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment can be ruled out and the reputation of ETH Zurich is not at risk.
Employees and professors are required to report their outside employment or activity via ETHIS prior to starting. If, due to a change of circumstances, a conflict of interest arises only after the outside activity has begun, the employee must disclose this immediately. Changes to already approved or reported outside employment must be submitted via ETHIS.
Outside employments are subject to approval if:
- the outside activity involves acting as a member of a board (board of directors, supervisory board, foundation board) or exercising an executive management function in a company
- there is a risk of a conflict of interest with ETH Zurich and/or a risk of harming the reputation of ETH Zurich due to the type of activity (for example, function as a National Councillor, member of a foundation board, or similar)
- the outside employment could impair the performance of the employee or professor in their employment with ETH Zurich (conflict of commitment)
- it is planned that the infrastructure or staff of ETH Zurich be used
- the time spent by a full-time employee on all related outside activities exceeds, in total, one working day per week (for full-time employment)
- the total time required for the employee’s outside employment exceeds 10% of their workload per week
Learn more about what kinds of outside activity require approval here.
Personal responsibility
All employees and professors should be able to evaluate their outside activities with regard to compatibility with their contractual employment obligations as well as any potential conflicts of interest and risks to the reputation of ETH Zurich.
Reduction of employment level
A reduction in the level of employment should be agreed (if possible and reasonable) in cases where the time required for the outside pursuits exceeds 10% of a 100% workload. The same applies pro rata to part-time employees.
Professors should reduce their employment level (if possible and reasonable) in cases where their outside activities are unrelated to their professorship and the time commitment exceeds, in total, one day per week based on an annual average.