Press release or notification

Press releases and notifications bring the stories about ETH Zurich and its research to the editorial staff of newspapers, radio stations and TV stations. To keep a release from disappearing in the flood of information, it needs to be drafted in a media-friendly manner. Because it is often not only the “what” that decides whether a subject finds its way into the media – but also the “how” and the “when”.

Note: Contact the media officers at ETH as early as possible if you have a subject that might be interesting for the general public. This will help them to draft a clear, accessible text and send it to the media at the right time.

From topic to press release

The Corporate Communications media officers assess a topic’s potential for inclusion in the media based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance: The more a subject relates to everyday life, the more attractive it is for journalists.
  • Clarity: Non-experts must be able to understand the text. Avoid technical terms as much as possible, and explain functions using examples and analogies.
  • Timing: The message needs to be current and reach the editorial staff at the right time.
  • Visual material: Attractive images, film material and clear illustrations increase the chances that the media will pick up a release.
  • Contact person: An expert must be available for enquiries and interviews.

The alternatives: media notification, story placement and social media

Press releases are not the only means to attract media attention. The Media Relations team uses targeted notifications about events or reports in ETH news to get people talking about your research. Media officers can also make direct contact with individual journalists or spread awareness of a subject via social media channels.