Examination rooms
Computer examination rooms

For digital examinations on managed ETH computers, a total of three large computer examination rooms with space for between 150 and 240 students, two medium-sized computer examination rooms with space for 80 students and seven smaller rooms with a capacity of 20 to 40 students are available for the examination sessions at the three locations HG, ONA and GLC. Further, one additional room per location is setup especially for students with disability compensations. All computer examination rooms are equipped with a sufficient number of reserve workstations.
Overview of the computer examination rooms at ETH Zurich
Please reserve the necessary rooms early and independently via the ETH room reservation tool. In addition to the examination time, the rooms must be reserved from 1.5 hours before the start of the examination and up to 1 hour after the end of the examination (preparation and follow-up time).
The need for examiners to reserve rooms applies to all types of examinations with the exception of session examinations. The rooms for session examinations are organised by the examinations office.
Workstation and computer equipment

All examination workstations are equipped with a monitor, a three-button mouse and a CH keyboard with numeric keypad. On request, a limited number of keyboards with a US layout are provided for programming examinations. The examiners clarify which students require a US keyboard and install the provided US keyboards themselves before the start of the examination. Regardless of the physical keyboard, there is a choice of three keyboard layouts for all examination workstations: CH-DE, CH-FR and EN-US. The LibreTranslate translation tool is integrated in all exam environments. The translation tool does not replace a foreign dictionary if students are entitled and wish to use one. Finally, all examination environments have an independent screen record of individual examination progress, which supports transparent clarification of incidents in cases of need, such as appeals.