
Year overview

Enlarged view: Examination dates
Examination dates in the academic year, see also key table


Examination schedules

Provisional schedule for written examinations

  • The provisional schedule for written examinations is displayed in eDoz four weeks (Spring Semester) resp. six weeks (Autumn Semester) before the end of the semester.
  • The provisional examination dates for written examinations are also published on the date questionnaire in eDoz – but without any room details. (See also Date questionnaire)

Personal examination schedule

The personal examination schedule lists all written and oral session examinations. As a general rule, it is displayed in eDoz approximately five to six weeks before the start of the Summer examination session resp. three to four weeks before the start of the Winter examination session.

End-of-semester examinations

No examination schedule is displayed in eDoz for end-of-semester examinations. You fix the examination dates directly yourself – in some cases following consultation with the department.