New at ETH?

Welcome to ETH and the IT Services!

The Service Desk is the gateway to the IT Services of ETH. The Service Desk is acquainted with all the ITS services and their respective operating status. In addition each department also has its own protected pageIT Support Group (ISG).

To facilitate your work at ETH we have provided an overview of all IT sorted by categories in the IT Service catalogue, as well as many important applications and links.

ETH Professor

If you are a new professor at ETH, the IT Services offer you special assistance in all IT matters to ensure a successful start.

We take care of your group's IT workplace and are your contact address for servers, storage, backup, databases, network, procurement and of course HPC. If you have any questions concerning your new email address, your web site or any other form of IT collaboration, please contact the following persons:

Additional useful information and links

The IT Services are available for all such questions and furthermore for any other issues concerning the use of ETH IT infrastructure, contacts in the departments and central service organisations.

ETH Auditors and Special Students

ETH auditors and special students at ETH Zurich receive the following IT resources and rights:

IT Resources and Rights

  • ETH account
    The ETH account allows for access to all ETH electronic services, in particular protected pagemyStudies, the portal for enrollment and course registration.
  • Email address
    An email address as official ETH communication channel, which can be used as an independent mailbox with 200 MB memory. You have the possibility of setting a forward for your ETH email address on protected under “Self Service” → “Manage forward”.
  • Public Computing Labs
    Access to the public computing labs, which are equipped with standard software (Office, Web, programming tools, mathematical software, etc.).
  • Home Directory
    An ETH-wide available home directory with 2 GB disk space.
  • Wireless LAN
    Access to the ETH wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) and ETH intranet access via VPN.


Printing and plotting can be done at several locations in Zentrum and Hönggerberg. Billing is done by a prepaid system. Recharge your own printer account by Print Service Prepay via the protected pageIT Shop.

Leaving ETH

In the protected pageWeb Center, you can view your data and the user groups in which you are registered, as well as information about the duration of your ETH user account and your address data. After your withdrawal, your services will have various expiration dates. You will be informed by email prior to expiration.


The DownloadITS Brochure for Students "IT Student Services" (PDF, 117 KB) provides a good overview of all our IT services. Our flyer DownloadLeaving ETH: Important Information (PDF, 179 KB) is directed to all departing ETH members.


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