Article search in order history

  1. Article search in order history
    In the order history it is possible to search for articles that have already been ordered once via the ETH Webshop or via external supplier shops. The articles can be ordered again directly from this page. The articles from the orders of all employees are displayed, whereby the data is anonymous.
  2. Limit selection
    The displayed data can be reduced with filters.
  3. Restrict date
    With the restriction of the order data, the displayed data can be further reduced. However, this is only possible if the displayed data has been previously reduced to positions of employees with the same financial authorization (6).
  4. Search term
    The full text search considers all columns of the hit list except the supplier. This search for the supplier is guaranteed in the left area.
  5. Show
    The hit list can be displayed or exported to Excel using the dropdown in the field.
  6. Restrict hit list
    The hit list can be restricted by:
    - Only showing articles that the user has ordered.
    - Only showing articles that have employees with the same financial authorization as the user.
    With this restriction, more fields related to the previous order will appear in the hit list.
  7. Define hit list
    With a right click on the header > User Settings columns can be hidden and shown.
  8. Filter line
    Below the column label, search terms can be entered per column with the filter line or selected via the drop-down menu. Various columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order.
  9. Catalog
    By clicking on the shopping cart, the article will be placed in the shopping cart of the corresponding ETH Webshop or external supplier store.