Here you will find a brief overview of the individual steps required to prepare and conduct a digital examination at ETH Zurich.
The steps apply to examinations that are already being conducted as digital examinations. If you are interested in conducting a new digital examination, please find out about the submission deadlines and fill in the application form or contact the digital examinations service If your request for a digital examination is accepted, you will receive confirmation from EduIT by email in time before the end of the Correction Phase for lecturers and examiners. We will then arrange a meeting in which the examination environment will be identified and coordinate the next steps with you.
For more detailed information please see our collection of instructions for examiners
When the semester begins
- Notification to EduIT if examination modalities have changed compared to the previous semester/year
- Examiners: Reserve the examination rooms (except for session examinations), see examination rooms
- Examiners: Specification of wishes for examination environment (third-party applications, documents, websites, further resources)
- EduIT: examines these wishes in detail
In mid-semester
- EduIT: sets up an empty Moodle course for the examination
- Examiners: inform EduIT about any students who receive reasonable adjustments or have special examination arrangements
One to four weeks before the examination date
- Depending on the type of examination:
- EduIT: offers workshops to train supervisors (mandatory for new examinations)
- Examiners: state whether US keyboards are required, and how many
- Examiners: submit files for VDI examinations*
- Examiners: have Remote testing session with EduIT for VDI examinations*
- Examiners: have Linux test sessions together with EduIT
(* VDI exams: Examinations with third-party applications such as Matlab, R, Excel etc.)
One week before the examination date
- Examinations with Moodle: Examiners submit to EduIT the list of candidates and the link to the examination. This means the examination is completely finalised in Moodle.
On the examination
- All: Meeting 60 minutes before the scheduled start of the examination for a quick refresher of incident handling and preparation of the examination rooms
- Students: Entrance allowed 30 min. before the start of the examination
After the examination
- Examiners: archive the examination results and markings (instructions)
- Examiners: organise the viewing of the examination, if required (instructions)
- Examiners: reserve the examination rooms (except for session examinations, see examination rooms in case a repetition examination is held. Whenever possible, this repetition examination must be held in the first week of the semester.