International Women's Day
For more than 100 years, International Women's Day has been celebrated on March 8. The day is intended to celebrate the achievements of the women's rights movement to date, to draw attention to existing discrimination and inequalities, and to encourage people to work for gender justice, including at ETH Zurich.

International Women's Day makes everyone aware once again that ETH Zurich would not be as strong as it is without the diverse commitment of women. Whether in the technical or administrative area, in teaching or in research: women bring new and important perspectives that allow us all to be more innovative and successful together! It depends on a productive togetherness - ETH Zurich attaches great importance to this togetherness. In terms of atmosphere and proportions, ETH Zurich should be a place where people of all gender identities study and work together on an equal footing, teach and conduct research, and generally be creative and innovative.
ETH Zurich events and offers around the International Women's Day 2025
All events and offers from ETH Zurich and its units are collected here. If you have something to contribute, please send an email to
05.03.2025 - Women in Science Panel Discussion (EN)

In celebration of International Women’s Day, several female associations and diversity groups at ETH Zürich (WiNS, feMTEC ETH Zürich, SWISH ETH, CSNOW – Network of Women in Computer Science, LIMES ETH) as well as ETH Diversity are organising the panel discussion "Women in Science". Women Professors from different departments will talk about the experiences of women scientists at ETH and share their insights, followed by an apéro and networking session— a great opportunity to meet peers across disciplines and exchange ideas on diversity and inclusion. external page Register here
04.-05.03.2025 - Parity Talks X: Where Do We Stand? (EN)

On its tenth anniversary, Parity Talks aims to facilitate a collective reflection on where we stand; What has been done? What have we achieved? What does doing parity work in the school mean? Where does the parity and diversity project stand at the D-ARCH? And – equally important – what is yet to be done? Learn more
05.-13.03.2025 - Wall of Scientists Exhibition (EN)

Did you know that countless brilliant women have shaped science, yet many remain overlooked? WiNS, in collaboration with Wall of Scientists, is bringing their stories to light! The exhibition will be inaugurated on the 4th of March and then open all day until the 13th (HPH Foyer). external page Register if you want to join the vernissage, otherwise pass by in between two lectures or during your lunch break.
06.03.2025 - Leveraging AI to accelerate gender equality (EN)

Women in Tech Switzerland, in partnership with digitalswitzerland and ETH Zurich, is hosting the exclusive event "Leveraging AI to Accelerate Gender Equality". Featuring keynote speeches and an engaging panel discussion, you can delve into how AI can drive positive change and open new opportunities for women in tech. Learn more
11.03.2025 - Crucial Aspects of Vaginal Microbiom (EN)

WiNS and HAS are hosting an event about the crucial aspects of the vaginal microbiome with Gynaecologist and CEO Virginia Franco. Join WiNS to learn more about the importance of vaginal microbiome, truths and myths about vaginal microbiome equilibrium, and how to take care of such an important aspect of women's physiology. external page Learn more
External Events and Offers
05.03.2025 - IAU & EWORA Webinar: Gender Equality in Higher Education and Research – Strategies for Empowerment (EN)

UN Women calls for more Rights. Equality. Empowerment. this IWD 2025. Therefore, EWORA and the IAU invite interested participants to discuss how higher education institutions can empower staff to take action for Gender Equality – be it through Teaching and Learning, research, on campus activities, or when engaging with the wider community. external page Learn more
Past events and offers for International Women's Day
07.03.24 - Vorsorgeplanung für jede Lebenslage – Tipps von der Fachfrau (DE)

ETH Diversity veranstaltet in Kooperation mit dem Personalverband des Bundes (PVB) eine Online-Veranstaltung zum Thema Vorsorge. Nadine Jürgensen, Co-Founderin von ellexx, wird die Teilnehmenden mit wertvollen Tipps und Ratschlägen versorgen und das Vorsorgesystem der Schweiz erklären. Mehr Infos
05.03.24 - Stammtisch des Netzwerkes der Wasseringenieurinnen (DE)

Für den diesjährigen Stammtisch (05.03.2024, Kafi für Dich, Zürich) hat sich das Netzwerk der Wasseringenieurinnen anlässlich des Internationalen Frauentages etwas Besonderes überlegt: Bring dein Lieblingsbuch, am liebsten von oder über oder für Frauen, mit und erzähle etwas darüber! external page Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung
05.-07.03.24 - Parity Talks IX (EN)

The ninth edition of Parity Talks will be taking place from 5th-7th of March and will focus to openly naming the issues which lead to disparity by finding ways to talk - from different positions and bases of knowledge. The Parity Group, which organizes the Talks, aims for inclusive spaces, to share and – most importantly – to listen, in spite and because of the feelings of discomfort and inconvenience that come with it. More Information
07.03.24 - ASAZ Professional Development Lunch (EN)

Join ASAZ (African Students Association of Zurich) on their Professional Development Lunch to hear Prof. Kamara share her professional story from computer science to architecture, inspirations, and career advice. external page More information
08.03.24 - ETH Global Lecture Series: Empowering Change (EN)

This ETH Global Lecture on International Women's Day 2024 delves into the transformative role of women in shaping our world across diverse fields. Join us in celebrating International Women's Day as we highlight the indispensable impact of women in fostering positive change in science, technology, politics and environmental stewardship. More information
08.03.24 - International Women's Day Breakfast (EN)

Join CSNOW (Network of Women in Computer Science) on 8th of March 2024 for croissants and good company to celebrate International Women's Day 2024! They will give out free baked goods from 9.00 in CAB floor G until they will run out.
08.03.24 - Women in Academia: Perspectives on the Occasion of March 8 - International women's day (EN)

Lunch lecture on the occasion of International women's day by Dr Monika Wulz and Dr Elena Valdameri. More information
13.03.24 - Panel discussion “Impact the Future: Shaping The Next Tech Revolution” (EN)

In celebration of International Women’s Day 2024, feMTEC (the gender association from D-MTEC) invite you to their upcoming event that will feature a panel discussion and apéro to connect with communities from feMTEC, Women Techmakers, and Women in Data Science. Four speakers will discuss women’s contributions to the field of technology. external page More information
Events at ETH Zurich
Workshop "How to negotiate a fair salary?" (D/E)

Even in Switzerland, women still earn less than men. What are the causes and how can women prepare themselves for salary negotiations? This is what female academics at ETH will learn at the two salary workshops that ETH Diversity is organising on the occasion of International Women's Day on 8th (E) and 20th March 2023 (D). external page More info and registration.
Rock your Interview - A live session for female Postdocs and Doctoral Students

Having job interviews is an important part of the application process. Nevertheless, many of us get nervous when even thinking of being interviewed. During this event, which is organized by the ETH Career Center on the 8.3., you will get tips and tricks for your job interviews. external page More info and registration
Parity Talks VIII: Get your act together!

This years Parity Talks, organized by the Parity Group of the D-ARCH, will be about starting to put things into action and make changes happen by continuing in the spirit of the last talk’s actions and live workshops. They will will take place in the Architecture Department on the 7th & 8th March 2023.
Women in science – Female pioneers at ETH Zurich

Join one of the ETH Zurich Tours, discover the Hönggerberg campus for yourself, and learn all about the role women played in the 160-year history of the science university.
Events outside of ETH Zurich
- external page Edit-a-thon - Frauen für Wikipedia von SRF, Ringier und Wikipedia CH am 19. April 2023 in Zürich.
- verschiedene Veranstaltungen rund um die Ausstellung external page Kraftakt Frauenstimm- und Wahlrecht zw. dem 1. und 29. März 2023 im Landesmuseum Zürich.
- join a external page panel discussion to hear stories and experiences from women in the R-Ladies Zürich community on the 8th of March in Zurich
- external page celebrate diversity with Girls in Tech Switzerland on the 8th of March in Zurich or Geneve
- listen to an external page inspiring talk with film director and journalist Anastasia Mikova organized by Women in Digital Switzerland on the 9th of March in Geneva
- external page Queens of Structure - Ausstellung an der Ostschweizer Fachhochschule vom 8.3-13.4.2023
Events at ETH Zurich
In 2022, the United Nations theme for International Women's Day is "Break the Bias." (German: "Brecht (Stop) the Bias"). The focus was on the fight against prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination. In line with this, but also on other topics various units and groups at ETH Zurich offered events and workshops:
“I’m noticing a sense of optimism.”

To mark International Women’s Day, Julia Dannath, Vice President for Personnel Development and Leadership, explained in an interview why there is still a long way to go in achieving a gender balance at ETH Zurich, and what measures are being put in place to reach this goal.
Gender equality in Swiss research

On International Womens Day, the ETH podcast had a close look at facts and figures regarding gender equality at ETH. Rachael Garrett, professor at D-USYS, and Julia Dannath, among others, were featured.
Get connected!

The D-PHYS had published an interview withfemale scientists in photon science, in which they talk about their research and the impact of their work.
Public lecture on "Some lessons on diversity and inclusion from the Israeli Start-up Nation"

ETH Entrepreneurship invited to a public lecture on March 9 with Dr Galit Desheh, Founder of DG - Diversity Growth Consulting & Professional Manager, Power in Diversity, Israel.
Parity Talks VII: Upkeep

Every year, the Parity Group of D-ARCH organizes the so-called "Parity Talks". The theme of 2022 was "Upkeep", with a focus on the work culture at D-ARCH.
Workshop Series on "Implicit bias"

The Female Association Women in Natural Sciences (WiNS) of D-BIOL and D-CHAB was organizing a external page three-part workshop series on "Impliciat Bias" (March 3-24).
ETH Global Lecture Series: Gender in Leadership and Leadership in Gender

On the International Women's Day (8th of March), ETH Zurich invited to join a Global Lecture on the topic of gender and leadership.
Workshop on Gender biases

feMTEC, the Female Association of D-MTEC, was offering a virtual workshop on th topic of gender biases on March 10.
Make Way for Women!

On March 8 a external page series of inspirational events was proposed on the EPFL campus, including a renaming of several squares and streets of the campus after the names of women scientists.
Events outside ETH Zurich
- external page Drei Frauen, drei Generationen. Wissenschaftlerinnen im Gespräch by Swiss academies of arts and sciences, Panel discussion, 8.3.22
- external page United Nations observance of International Women’s Day 2022 by UN Women, Online event, 8.3.22
- external page Vernissage of the exhibition "Uns reichts!" and panel discussion about sexualized violence at Kosmos, 8.3.22
- Webinar on the launch of the report external page How global universities are performing by Times Higher Education (THE) in partnership with the UNESCO IESALC, 8.3.22
- Webinar series external page Women in Leadership in Higher Education: Global and Regional Perspectives by EWORA, IAU and ESSA, 8.3.22
- Empowerment Lunchtalk external page Women recvolutionizing education through tech von BPW Switzerland, 10.3.22.
The International Women’s Day once again raises awareness, that an institution such as the ETH Zurich would not be as strong as it is without the manifold engagement of its women. Whether we consider the administrative or technical sector, teaching or research: Women introduce new and different perspectives, which enable us all, women and men, to be more innovative and successful! Ultimately it comes down to a productive cooperation– which is of vital importance to ETH Zurich and its new president Joel Mesot. ETH Zurich thrives to offer the right atmosphere and a level playing field for women and men to study and work, teach and research and generally be creative and innovative together.
On the international women’s day, Equal! starts a new series of portraits of female assistant professors at ETH. They have different fields of research, come from different countries and have different personalities. With their diversity they enrich ETH Zurich. Starting today, on the 8th of every month, a new portrait will be published for the next 12 months. Perhaps this can be the starting point for exciting interdisciplinary research projects, Bachelor/Master theses or careers in the academic field?!