Form Return of Unused Teaching Rooms

Due to the general shortage of rooms we would like to use the available rooms as efficiently as possible.

Rooms that are not going to be used on individual or recurring dates during the semester should be reported to the Room and Course Scheduling Office, so that they can be used for other events. Processing such reports will result in a correction to the entry in the Course Catalogue.

Room reservations can be checked in eDoz (eDoz > Scheduling > Courses) or in the Course Catalogue.

Changes can be requested via the Room and Course Scheduling Office. They may be required if a course is over- or under-subscribed, because of particular equipment requirements, or for other reasons. The availability of rooms can be checked using the Room Request web application.

Rooms that have been returned will not be automatically allocated to the same course the following year. Lecturers must submit their room requests for the coming semester to the relevant schedule coordinators in good time.

Courses that are not taking place this semester

Lecturers must report these directly to their schedule coordinators. The course will then be published in the Course Catalogue with the remark “Does not take place this semester”. However, the rooms that were booked will still be available for the course in the following semester.

Please submit one form per course.


Room Scheduling Office
  • +41 44 632 20 69
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ETH Zurich

Academic Services
Room and Course Scheduling
Rämistrasse 101
HG F 12
8092 Zurich