Planning Process

The planning process begins approximately six to eight months prior to the start of the semester (six months for the spring semester and eight for the autumn semester).

Start of planning (updating)

To prepare the new semester, the Room and Course Scheduling Office copies the data from the previous year.

Correction phase for schedule coordinators

Following the update, the departments have four weeks to revise the data or amend it to meet new requirements.

Correction phase for lecturers and examiners

Lecturers and examiners have several weeks in which to check, amend or confirm their courses, exam information and catalogue details.

Changes are made via the eDozweb application. During this period, the schedule coordinators can edit the changes made by the lecturers and examiners.

Once the correction phase is over, changes can only be made by notifying the schedule coordination via e-mail, by telephone or in writing.

Details about catalogue data and course materials, however, can be entered and/or amended at any time.


Final correction phase for schedule coordinators before publication

Once the correction phase for lecturers and examiners is over, the departments have a further two weeks in which to make changes.

Bevor publication the entire Course Catalogue is checked for completeness by the Room and Course Scheduling Office.

Because of last-minute changes to teaching arrangements at ETH Zurich, course scheduling is never a completely finished process and it has to react to changes dynamically. That is why the schedule coordinators may still make justified changes even after publication.

The people in the departments who are responsible for performance assessments can make changes to the information about performance assessments up until the last Friday before the start of the semester.

The information about performance assessments that is published in the Course Catalogue is binding on students and examiners from the start of the semester and thereafter can only be changed with permission from the Vice-Rector for Study Programmes.


Schedule Office
  • +41 44 632 03 00
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ETH Zurich
Room and Course Scheduling
Rämistrasse 101
HG F 11
8092 Zurich