Examination schedule/session
Contact for any problems prior to and during the examination session:
Examinations Office, Phone 044 632 20 68
Examination schedules
Provisional schedule for written examinations
- The date of your written examination(s) is displayed in the date questionnaire.
- With the release of the date questionnaire, the provisional schedule for written examinations – albeit without any room details – is published for students (myStudies) and examiners (eDoz).
Personal examination schedule
The personal examination schedule lists all written and oral session examinations. As a general rule, it is displayed in eDoz approximately five to six weeks before the start of the Summer examination session resp. three to four weeks before the start of the Winter examination session
End-of-semester examinations
End-of-semester examinations have to take place during the last two weeks of the semester or the first two weeks of the subsequent semester break. You set the examination dates within the allowed timeframe directly yourself – in some cases following consultation with the department. The dates of these exams have to be entered in eDoz until Monday of the eight semester week. Should you offer a repetition for an end-of-semester exam in the same semester (i.e. repetition allowed without re-enrollment) a date for the repetition must also be entered. The concrete deadlines for entering these respective dates are displayed in eDoz.
The personal examination schedule published in eDoz is binding in all cases – both for students and examiners.
Particular note should be taken of the following:
- Changes to the type of examination (method, form and duration) are not allowed at this point and are no longer part of the examiner’s authority.
- Dates for written examinations may not be changed or rescheduled.
- Changes to the help materials are no longer permitted. The permitted help materials have already been published in the course catalogue and in the examination schedule, in accordance with your details.
- See also: Download Examination Information from the Vice Rector (PDF, 260 KB)
During the examination session
- Withdrawals, as well as date changes which are notified in writing, are entered by us on to the system – you can therefore view them directly in eDoz.
- We also constantly update the system with those students who are unable to attend an examination due to illness.
Please note:
NO separate notification will be sent to you unless the change is made at very short notice. - On the evening prior to an examination, it is recommended to check whether, and how many, students are registered for your examinations. There may also be withdrawals after the start of the examination session due to illness or discontinuations.
- Rescheduling request on your part
Such date changes are only possible within the examination session.
Please note that date changes are not organized by the Academic Services.
- Any date changes which you make must be arranged with the candidates. Under no circumstances should new dates disadvantage students or be set outside of the examination session.
- Candidates must be informed in writing via eDoz (“Communication / Lists” > Link "Performance Assessments - Registration & Results").
- You can notify the Examinations Office of the date change online using the Download Rescheduling Form (PDF, 484 KB).
- Any date changes which you make must be arranged with the candidates. Under no circumstances should new dates disadvantage students or be set outside of the examination session.
- Rescheduling request on the students’ part
Date changes initiated by students may only be made in agreement with all of the parties involved. Students must notify the Examinations Office themselves using the “Rescheduling form for oral examinations”, which is available in myStudies.
Please report improper conduct at exams by using the online form Improper conduct.
Tips on organising examinations
- chevron_right "Leitfaden für das Planen, Durchführen und Auswerten von Prüfungen an der ETH" (in German) (PDF, 103 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom "Checkliste zur Durchführung von schriftlichen Prüfungen" (in German) (PDF, 44 KB)
- chevron_right Instructions for Conducting Online Examinations, Checklists
- Download vertical_align_bottom Vice Rector Examination Information (PDF, 260 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Guidelines on Grading Written Examinations (PDF, 424 KB)