Information on handling and reducing high time balances

ETH Zurich has a duty of care towards its employees. In order to fulfil this duty and adhere to personnel regulations, ETH Zurich is requiring employees to reduce high time credits (holidays, over-hours, overtime, loyalty bonus credits) either by taking time off or working fewer hours. Although many employees correctly manage their time balances on their own, there are some who have accumulated excessive levels.

Most employees already take their accrued time off (i.e., holidays, over-hours, overtime, loyalty bonus holiday credits) and manage it in the ETHIS time recording system in accordance with the time recording requirements for their functional level.
ETH Zurich has an annual working time model that allows employees to balance extra hours accumulated during times with higher workloads by working fewer hours during less demanding phases. This model also provides a high degree of flexibility, which employees very much appreciate.

Reducing high time balances

Unfortunately, some employees have levels of accrued time off that are too high. We are aware that these high time balances are the result of employees’ extraordinary commitment to the university and would like to thank everyone for their dedication. A reasonable workload is important for employees’ health, balance and well-being. High time credits create financial obligations for units at ETH, for example if an employee leaves their job or switches to another job within the university.

Because of ETH’s duty of care as an employer and our obligation to adhere to personnel regulations (Personnel Ordinance for the ETH Domain), the Executive Board and the Vice-​Presidency for Personnel Development and Leadership have identified a need for action and would like to ensure that employees are reducing their time balances on an ongoing basis.


The objective is for all employees to adhere to the Personnel Ordinance, to independently manage their time balances and to correctly make use of their accrued time off over the course of the year.

Employees with high time balances must draw up a reduction plan with their supervisor, sign it on both sides and implement it in a binding manner. Use the protected page template for the reduction plan of your time balances.

Details and applicable provisions