Value-added tax

ETH Zurich is the taxable entity for all revenue made by ETH departments in ETH Zurich's name.
UID No. for ETH Zurich:
MWST No. for ETH Zurich:
CHE-115.203.630 MWST
The protected page Wegleitung Mehrwertsteuer ETH Zürich (German only) provides useful information:
1. Einleitung
2. Steuersubjekt ETH Zürich
3. Steuerbare Vorgänge
4. Steuersätze für die Rechnungsstellung
5. ETH-spezifische Geschäftsfälle
6. Weisungen
Increased VAT rates will apply in Switzerland from 01.01.2024.
Further information on import/export, customs clearance and more can be found at protected page Procurement - Transport of goods.
Please also note the relevant article in the Financial regulations:
Art. 118 Value-added tax
Abteilung Rechnungswesen
Binzmühlestrasse 130
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