Previous project phases
Rector Günther Dissertori initiated the PAKETH project in 2023 to ensure excellent education in the long term. The participation of the departments and the students is very important for PAKETH. Representatives from the degree programmes and students were integrated into the committees of the pre-project and the detailed concept.
Pre-project, teaching retreat 2023, directional decisions
The results and proposals from the pre-project were intensively discussed at the teaching retreat in June 2023 with around 100 participants. There was a large consensus on the need and the will for change as well as on the proposed direction.
The documentation of the "Results of the teaching retreat" includes a project overview and the directional decisions that resulted from the teaching retreat and pointed the way for the further project work.
Detailed concept phase
The presentation "Projektplan für die Detailkonzeptphase" explains in detail the plan, the project organisation and the involvement of the departments and students.
Representatives of the VSETH and the degree programmes were represented in the extended project management and in the working groups. In this way, they could participate in the design and express their views on proposals in a timely manner.
The Conferences of the Directors of Study (Stuko) are used as a permanent platform for information and exchange with those responsible for the study programmes. The study programmes play an important role in PAKETH. Ultimately, it will be they who will implement the changes in their environment on their own responsibility.
The PAKETH concept was acknowledged by the Executive Board on 11 April and then submitted to the departments, university groups and central administrative units for consultation. The responses were received by 14 June 2024. The project team analysed the responses, compiled them in a report and submitted it to the ETH Executive Board for approval. At the end of August 2024, the Executive Board decided to implement the reform. Following that the Executive Board has made its positive decisions about the realization of PAKETH in August 2024.