rETHink - Organizational development project

Background and goals

ETH President Joël Mesot initiated the rETHink project shortly after taking office in 2019 in order to set the course for the organisational development of ETH Zurich and ensure its long-term sustainability.

Background and goals

Analysis and solution development

In the analysis phase, which began in 2020, five workstreams examined the various institutional levels of ETH. A sixth, overarching workstream was dedicated to the culture at ETH. In the solution development phase, the members of the existing workstreams developed concrete solution proposals for the fields of action. For topics that did not only affect one organisational level, but had to be looked at across ETH, a corresponding working group was formed, in which members from all six existing workstreams participated.

Overview on analysis and solution development

The findings of the analysis phase and the proposed solutions are summarised on the following pages:

The solution development phase formally ended in the first quarter of 2023 with rETHink switch (switch from solution development to solution implementation), even though solution proposals had already been submitted to the organisation on an ongoing basis - or had already been implemented.


By the end of 2023, solutions for the prioritised areas of action had been implemented or the process for doing so had been initiated. The project organisation was thus completely dissolved and the project formally concluded.

Results of rETHink

Reporting about rETHink

“Now the changes need to stand the test of time”

Category: Institutional

The rETHink project officially concluded at the end of 2023 with the dissolution of the project organisation. We sat down with ETH President Joël Mesot, the initiator of rETHink, and Secretary General Katharina Poiger, who acted as the project leader, to learn about rETHink’s achievements and the future of organisational development at ETH.

by Interview: Roland Baumann

“Leadership Feedback Process” test run successfully completed

Category: Institutional

The pilot test for the Leadership Feedback Process has proved positive. From 2024, all full professors will systematically obtain and address feedback on their leadership role at regular intervals. Alongside individual reflection on potential blind spots, this process will enable ETH to specifically gear and tailor the support it offers for professors.

Has the culture of discussion at ETH improved

Category: life

The rETHink project aimed, among other things, to promote the culture of discussion at ETH Zurich. But have the efforts been successful? Read the opinions of two ETH employees in the current special edition of the magazine "life". And what is your opinion? 

rETHink: implementation is now really getting under way

Category: rETHink

ETH Zurich’s organisational development project is entering a new phase. The solutions developed in the various working groups are now to be implemented. The project managers explained at the “rETHink Switch” event what now awaits us.

Openness, responsibility, inclusion, respect, empowerment, ingenuity

Category: rETHink

In future there will be six key values describing the way members of ETH Zurich research, teach, work and study together. The new integrated approach encompasses the university’s vision and mission – as well as referencing the contributions made by its employees – and thus unites all the factors that shape the university’s culture.

by Roland Baumann

Leadership and management role of professors

Category: Institutional

The teaching and research performance of professors is subject to continuous assessment. But what about their leadership qualities? Workstream 3 in the rETHink project has addressed this issue and proposed a differentiated solution that takes into consideration the specific features of the scientific setting and the university.