Sustainability and environmental aspects of life

The magazine’s initial print-runwill be 14,000 copies. As with other ETH publications, life is printed on LuxoArt Samt paper. This paper is FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified and is acid-free, non-ageing and food safe.

The CO2 output from the entire printing process (including printing substrate, printing materials and energy used during printing) is around 745kg per issue of life. Corporate Communications compensates the printer directly for this CO2 output. This money is then used to support a climate protection project. life is printed locally in Zurich using petroleum-free ink. The CO2 produced during the mailing process is offset by the Swiss Post using the “pro clima” label.

Since its relaunch in 2022, life has been distributed without packaging.


Editorial "life"
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ETH Zurich
Corporate Communications
Rämistrasse 101
HG F41
8092 Zurich