Bring Your Own Device in Performance Assessments

On this page you will find all the information for lecturers on the topic of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in performance assessments. An overview of the mandatory Bring Your Own Device policy at ETH Zurich and further information on this topic can be found on the BYOD overview page.

The introduction of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) opens up new possibilities for the design of performance assessments.

If you would like to carry out a BYOD performance assessment, please read all the information on this information page carefully and contact the BYOD advisory team in case you need assistance:

Designing digital performance assessments

Incorporating personal laptops into teaching and performance assessments offers many opportunities and presents some challenges. For example, a digital exam can simplify collaboration between examiners when creating, conducting and correcting exams and make these processes more efficient

For the successful implementation of a BYOD performance assessment, test the technical examination setting in detail with the students in advance, e.g. by means of mock examinations or exercises that are carried out in the examination setup, and explicitly prepare the students for the examination format during the course, for example with the help of formative questions.

See RefreshTeaching (07.05.2024) Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Opportunities and Challenges for experience reports on BYOD in teaching and in performance assessments.


The central coordination of the BYOD initiative is carried out by the BYOD advisory team consisting of employees from Educational IT Services (EduIT), Academic Services (AkD) and the Unit for Teaching and Learning (UTL). If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the e-mail address below directly.


BYOD advisory team