Switching to the wide page layout
The ETHZ content page (wide) and the new wide homepage are now the standard for AEM websites. For those websites that still have legacy homepage and content pages with the right column, these pages can still be edited in the Classic UI for a short time, but both deprecated page templates will soon not be editable due to the shutdown of the Classic UI. We, therefore, recommend switching any legacy templates on your website before the Classic UI shutdown to better control your website's content.
Childpage navigation
As part of the ongoing design refresh of the ETH websites, the ETHZ content page (wide) and the new wide homepage have become the standard. The following are reasons for the template changes in the system:
- We are aligning the display of the desktop version with the displays on smartphones and tablets, ensuring that the hierarchy/weighting of the content desired by the author is the same on all devices.
- We increase user-friendliness by offering users a clear focus on the actual content and standardising the reading guidance.
- The presentation on the wide page template allows more white space, which serves the general readability and accessibility.
- The wide page template allows more flexibility in the design of the components and pages. The different widths of the components (on the desktop view) can be deliberately played with in order to highlight individual content and thus provide visual variety. Overall, images in particular are given much more space with the changeover.
- The focus on a single wide content page template reduces the effort for future development.
What does this mean for authors?
Content page switching
- Existing content pages with the right context column should be manually switched to the wide page template, once the Classic UI is shut down, they can no longer be edited and have to be switched.
- The switch is only possible if all components and context containers have been removed from the right context column beforehand. After all have been removed, open the protected page page properties and in the tab "Advanced" click on the "Use wide page layout" button. See also protected page tips when switching to the wide page layout.
- This change for the standard content pages will not affect the page content and all should remain as it was before. Tips and tricks on how and where to place this content in the content column can be found on the corresponding help pages.
- New pages can only be created with the new wide ETHZ content page template and new design options and components will only be available for the wide template in the future. Below you will find sample pages to help you layout your pages.
Homepage switching
- Existing homepages with the right column should be manually switched to the new wide homepage template.
- All content will be wiped clean and a website owner will need to rebuild content on a homepage with the new components that have been created specifically for the new homepage template. Therefore, it might be important for authors to test the new solution in the training system first before implementing the page switch for their productive homepage. Information about the switch and training system can be found on the protected page ETHZ Wide Homepage template page in the Touch UI manual.
Tips & sample pages
The ETHZ content page (wide) offers numerous design options. While you will find all of the configuration options in detail in the old Classic UI manual while still available and in the new AEM Touch UI manual, the following pages offer some examples to help you layout your pages:
- chevron_right Adapted and new components for the ETHZ content page (wide)
- chevron_right Placement of context column information on the ETHZ content page
- chevron_right CC Best Practice website with example pages
- chevron_right Teaser examples (referencing further content) for content pages
- chevron_right Example of a wide news article page
- protected page lock ETHZ wide homepage information