Capital assets / inventory

At ETH Zurich, capital assets are durable goods (minimum one year service life) with a purchase value from an amount of CHF 10,000 per item.
They must be registered in the ETH central inventory database (in ETHIS).
The protected page guidelines for inventory management at ETHZ provide information on the following:
1. Purpose of document
2. Objects subject to inventory
3. Optional entry in the inventory
4. Responsibilities and tasks of inventory management
5. Stocktaking and impairment testing
6. Special inventories
7. Roles and access authorisation for the central inventory database in ETHIS
8. Device deletion/device transfer
9. Further instructions
The various asset classes and their amortisation periods can be found protected page here. (German only)
You can find an overview ot the most frequently asekd questions on the subject of "Capital goods / Inventory" in the FAQ.
Please also note our training programme.
Please note the relevant articles in the financiall regulations:
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