Working hours
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ETH Zurich uses the annual working time model for its employees. When operational needs permit, this model allows for flexibility and working conditions that can be adapted to the personal needs of our employees. Extra working hours accumulated during times with higher workloads can and should be balanced out by working fewer hours during less demanding phases.
The standard working hours for full-time employees are 41 hours per week. Working hours for part-time employees are based on the agreed level of employment.
The minimum lunch break is 30 minutes. However, two daily 15-minute breaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, are considered as working time.
On days before public holidays, the university closes one hour earlier.
Christmas holiday break from Wednesday, 24 December 2025 until Sunday, 4 January 2026.
Planned working time for the year 2025: 2037.80 hours (working place Zurichh, 100%). Details can be viewed in ETHIS Time Management and are adjusted for the work location (Persönlich > Zeitwirtschaft).