Employment, leadership and collaboration
ETH Zurich pursues a progressive and fair personnel policy. Its management principles express its commitment to a company culture that fosters open dialogue.
Employing professors
The employment relationships of ETH Zurich professors (assistant professors with and without tenure track, associate and full professors) are governed by the Ordinance on Professors (Ordinance of the ETH Board on Professors at Federal Institutes of Technology) and generally come under public law. The employment contract is concluded between the President of the ETH Board and the professor. Any amendments to the contract must be decided by the President of the ETH Board or by the ETH Board at the request of the President of ETH Zurich.
Employment of scientific, administrative and technical staff
Employment relationships at ETH Zurich are subject to federal personnel law and are of a public law nature (Personnel Ordinance PVO-ETH). They are created by means of written employment contracts signed by the responsible persons from the Vice-Presidency for Personnel Development and Leadership (VPPL) and the employees. Any extension, amendment or termination of the employment relationship is only valid if made in writing and is carried out exclusively by the responsible persons (VPPL) at the request of the staff member’s supervisor. The Vice-Presidency for Personnel Development and Leadership is also responsible for implementing the salary policy on behalf of the Executive Board. Applications for temporary and permanent appointments and extensions are to be submitted via HR Workflow to the responsible persons at the Vice-Presidency for Personnel Development and Leadership, taking into account the ETH Zurich Financial Regulations and Organisation Ordinance.
Employment of scientific staff
The employment relationship may be extended for a limited period of time. For assistants, senior assistants and other staff with a similar function the maximum period is six years. If an assistant moves to a senior assistant position, the years as assistant are not taken into account.
In exceptional cases, scientific staff (FS 9/10) in teaching and research projects may be employed for a maximum of 9 years in accordance with Art. 14 of the Ordinance Governing Scientific Employees of ETH Zurich. If a person from the ETH Domain moves to this position at the same functional level, the previous period of employment will be taken into account. In addition, there must be no previous employment in another scientific function in the ETH Domain.
Employment of administrative and technical staff
The employment relationship is generally unlimited. ETH Zurich is guided by the provision of personnel law that fixed-term employment contracts may not be concluded in order to circumvent the protection against dismissal. It therefore follows the principle of employing administrative and technical staff who perform permanent duties in the central bodies and in the departments on an unlimited basis.
In exceptional cases, the employment relationship may be repeatedly limited to a maximum of 5 years if it concerns assignments in specific fixed-term projects or if it concerns the employment of a professor who will retire in less than 5 years. Failure to observe the maximum permissible fixed-term employment period leads to an unlimited employment relationship.
It is possible to exceed the 5-year period for teaching assistants upon application to the HR Administration, provided that the person is still studying for justified reasons.
Foreign nationals
When employing foreign nationals, a permit must be obtained from the cantonal immigration and employment market authorities, according to the person’s nationality.
Work from abroad
In principle, work for ETH must be performed in Switzerland. The ETH guidelines must be observed here.
Time management
The framework conditions for holidays, public holidays, etc. are regulated in the Personnel Ordinance for the ETH Domain (PVO-ETH) and all employees are obliged to comply with them. The supervisors regularly check the time balances (holiday entitlement or working hours, if required) and the budget managers approve annual carry-overs.
Secondary employment
Secondary employment of professors and staff members is regulated in a guideline and must be reviewed by the responsible persons, particularly in the event of a conflict of interest or conflict of commitment (see section on conflicts of interest).
Confidentiality of personal data
Personal and employment data must be treated confidentially and is governed by data protection legislation. Those in a supervisory position or working in centralised or decentralised administration who handle personal data must treat such data confidentially and in accordance with data protection legislation.
Permitted payments to staff members
The ETH Regulations on Business Expenses define permitted one-off payments to staff. No payments may be made other than these.
For ETH Zurich, respectful interaction and inclusive cooperation are a matter of course. Tensions and conflicts should be actively addressed at an early stage and, whenever possible, resolved in constructive cooperation. The Respect Code of Conduct stipulates that ETH does not tolerate any form of sexual harassment or discriminatory, threatening or inappropriate behaviour. Inhouse and external contact points and an advisory service are available for all staff regarding respect, cooperation and conflict management.
To achieve the goals of a leading international university, ETH Zurich relies on motivated, fulfilled and highly qualified staff. Empowering people is crucial in this respect. Supervisors must hold staff appraisals with each of their staff (Art. 7 PVO-ETH). This helps both the staff and their supervisors to determine where they stand and to work out strategies for development.
Supervisors must also discuss career planning with their staff at an early stage.
Within the remit of professors and supervisors are the diligent recruitment of scientific and technical and administrative staff, regular status and development meetings, the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest and the performance of their supervisory function in line with the ETH Zurich values and competencies. Those in supervisory positions must comply with the Respect Code of Conduct and the provisions of personnel law. They must ensure that all regulations relating to their area of responsibility are observed.
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom ETH Act
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Bundespersonalgesetz (Federal Personnel Act); available only in German
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Personalverordnung ETH-Bereich (Personnel Ordinance for the ETH Domain); available only in German
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Ordinance Governing Scientific Employees at ETH Zurich (RSETHZ 516.1)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom ETH Professorial Ordinance (RSETHZ 501)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Directives for Doctoral Students employed at ETH Zurich (RSETHZ 622)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Guidelines for ETH Zurich employees on reporting suspected malpractice (RSETHZ 130.1 Whistleblowing Guidelines)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Regulations on the reporting of inappropriate behaviour by ETH Zurich members (RSETHZ 615)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Guidelines for the Assistant Professor System at ETH Zurich, as issued by the President 2015 (RSETHZ 510.21)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Conflicts of interest and compatibility of obligations relating to secondary employment of professors and other staff at ETH Zurich (RSETHZ 501.2)
- Encourage inclusive cooperation and act with personal integrity. Create a respectful and non-discriminatory environment.
- Keep up a dialogue with your staff and hold progress and development meetings at least once a year.
- Make use of the range of on- and off-the-job development opportunities and enable your staff to take advantage of them too.
- Address difficulties and tensions at an early stage and, if possible, directly with the parties involved. Consult the ETH contact points and advisory service if you need support in resolving a conflict.
- Avoid conflicts of interest between ETH Zurich and personal concerns.
You will find the contact persons of the Vice President for Development and Leadership here.