Year-end process

In view of the forthcoming transition from 2024 to 2025, employees at ETH Zurich must complete their working time records for the whole of 2024 correctly and on time (from 1st December to 24 December 2024 at the latest). All requests for absences must be processed in advance.

People who record their times in ETHIS need to close the month of December in order for data to be carried forward. If you close the month of December 2024, all other months are automatically closed. By doing this, you confirm your holiday, flexitime and loyalty bonus balances. Thereafter, it will no longer be possible to make any changes for the current year. Your 2024 starting values are based on your year-end balances from 2024 and the entitlements for 2025.

Are you planning to work between Christmas and New Year? Please enter this time in ETHIS in advance (latest by 24 December 2024). If you do not work as planned, you can compensate minor changes in the new year. Larger deviations can be corrected by your Admin-HR. By the way: Admin-HR can make necessary corrections at any time.

As an administrative assistant with HR-right you... ensure

so that the carry-forwards 2024/2025 have a good data quality and that ETH Zurich can fulfill its disclosure requirement in accordance. You might have to record time credits (carry-forwards of working hours, loyalty bonus and holidays) of all employees who have not completed their records or do not record their time in ETHIS, and if necessary you can also correct the entries already made by employees. make sure

that absences have been approved and absences in general, i.e. holidays, have been fully recorded for the year 2024.


As a budget officer... approve the carry-forward  

The budget officers (BV) responsible for a Leitzahl or their deputies approve the carry-forward (balances for working hours, holidays and loyalty bonus) for employees into the new calendar year until the end of January 2024 at the latest. Once this approval has been given, the system automatically confirms the carry-forwards on the employees’ time sheets. Unapproved carry-forwards are approved by the system at the beginning of February. Responsibility for the values of the carry-forwards ​​lies with the responsible budget officer in both cases.



If you have any problems with logging in, lack of authorisations or user issues, please report these directly in protected page ETHIS using the support function. ETHIS Support is the basic portal for providing technical support for all employees and administrative assistants with HR rights. You can also find further helpful information in protected page ETHIS Help under “Time management”.

For any administrative queries, your first point of contact should be HR Administration.

If you have any questions regarding regulations, please contact HR Consulting.