Cost centre report
ETHIS > Finanzen > Berichte Finanzen
The cost centre report compares the basic budget and actual costs. It can be called up for a single cost centre or several cost centres that belong together (for example, all cost centres in a department). The report displays the annual budget and the actual values as of the date of the report call.
Features: Full-year view and cumulative period view by months, detailed cost breakdown by choice, exit to the line item report.
As a result, the system first displays an overview for each cost centre:
- Budget (basic budget for the calendar year)
- Actual (accrued actual costs for the calendar year up to the date of the report call)
- Variance as amount (budget minus actual) and as percentage (% unused budget on key date)
The button "Display" takes you to the detailed results:
Accumulated period view
Cost details

Under "Budget/cost details on G/L account basis" you can select various budget/cost details under "Expand" in the upper right corner. The highest hierarchy level shows the most detailed breakdown.
The line "Personnel costs" shows in the column "Budget" the available budget for the calendar year. If you expand the personnel costs, the differentiation according to amount agreed in the budget process ("Planning Personnel Costs" line) and additional budget for inflation, etc., is also displayed. (line "Other Personnel Costs").
If available, revenues (e.g. from scientific services) are displayed in the "Revenues" line.
The download button can be used to export an Excel file. It is possible to exit to the line item report.