Habilitation Procedure

The habilitation procedure at ETH Zurich is governed by the Download Habilitation Ordinance (PDF, 492 KB) (Habilitatsionverordnung) ETH Zurich of 2 June 2004 (SR 414.110.373.1; in German). The duration of the procedure depends on the department. Details on average duration may be requested from the respective department administration office.

Starting the procedure

The individual procedure is as follows:

1. The candidate must first inform the responsible department of the habilitation request so that the matter can be put on the agenda of the next professors’ conference.

2. The candidate must submit the request to the Academic Services Information & Planning Office at least two weeks before this conference. The candidate will receive a confirmation and the documents will be forwarded to the respective department.

3. 3. All candidates are also required to submit an electronic version of the habitation thesis identical to the printed version (in consultation with the department) to the ETH Library.
>> ETH Research Collection

Habilitation without a habilitation thesis

At ETH Zurich it is possible to habilitate without submitting a habilitation thesis (ETH Zurich Habilitation Ordinance, Art. 4, Para. 5a).

Transfer/recognition of habilitation

Transfer/recognition of the habilitation is governed by the ETH Zurich Habilitation Ordinance, Art. 4, Para. 5b. This regulation applies to candidates who have already acquired a habilitation or venia legend/docendi at another university.

The procedure is the same as that for habilitation without a habilitation thesis.

Change of original department

It can happen that a Privatdozent/in was originally assigned to a particular department (the “original department”) after obtaining the venia legendi, but eventually has significant teaching duties in another department. In this case a change of department may be indicated.

A change of department within ETH is not treated as a transfer of habilitation. Only the (written) agreement of both departments affected is required.