How to evaluate outside employment and other activities

All employees and professors are to evaluate their outside activities with regard to compatibility with their contractual employment obligations as well as any potential conflicts of interest, conflicts of commitment and risks to the reputation of ETH Zurich.  

Subject to reporting / approval requirement?

If an outside activity poses a conflict of interest or commitment, it must always be reported via ETHIS and is subject to approval.

In the following cases, outside employment and other outside activities...

Conflicts of interest, reputational risks and conflicts of commitment

The risk of a conflict with the interests of ETH Zurich as an employer arises particularly if there is harm to the credibility or the reputation of the university as a result of the employee’s outside activity. It can also be considered a risk if the independence, objectivity or trustworthiness of the employee can be called into question.

If conflicts of interest or commitment cannot be ruled out in an individual case, the request for approval may be denied or conditional approval can be granted (e.g. reduction of workload). Here the principle of proportionality must be observed.

Example situations


In the meantime, the content of my outside employment has changed. Do I have to enter it again in ETHIS?

If the content of the outside employment has changed, it is advisable to talk to your supervisor and discuss it with regard to new conflicts, etc. If the content of the outside employment has changed, it must be re-entered in ETHIS. If new conflicts have arisen due to the change in the content of the outside activity, it would have to be re-entered in ETHIS.

I have taken on a new function at the employer where I carry out my outside employment. Do I have to re-enter the secondary employment in ETHIS?

Yes, if the new function could lead to other/new conflicts.

The work volume of my outside activity has increased. Do I have to report the outside employment again in ETHIS?

Yes, if other/new conflicts could arise due to the increase in the workload.

Can professors now register secondary employment requiring approval directly via ETHIS?

Yes, new outside employment requiring approval can now be entered via ETHIS. Outside employment that has already been approved is displayed in ETHIS and confirmed in the Annual Academic Achievements (AAA).

Can professors now enter notifiable outside employment directly via ETHIS?

Yes, secondary employment that have to be reported can now be entered in ETHIS. These will then be displayed in ETHIS and confirmed in the Annual Academic Achievements (AAA).

What is the distinction between outside employment/other activities and holding multiple jobs?

As a general rule, every activity pursued in addition to one’s main job is considered to be a form of outside employment or other activity. If an employee is permanently or indefinitely engaged on behalf of one or more employers in several EU/EFTA states on a regular basis, they are considered to Download hold multiple jobs (PDF, 36 KB). Here, the focus is on questions regarding social security.

The guidelines on outside employment apply to outside employment/other activities as well as holding multiple jobs. Employees must report their multi-job status if they have employment relationships in several countries and if there is a conflict of interest or conflict of commitment.

Do all of your employments (employment contracts) exceed a full-time employment (100%)?

This question is related to the overall employment contracts. Example: An employee has an employment of 80% at ETH and an additional employment of 30% at Muster AG, so the total exceeds 100% and therefore this question must be answered with a yes.

Does your total work volume exceed 110 full-time equivalents (annual average)?

For this question, it does not matter whether there is an employment contract or not, but whether the total workload exceeds 110% (full-time equivalents). Example: Volunteer work of 80 days per year with a 100% employment.


We will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have via e-mail.

Contact for:

  • Employees
  • Professors