Outgoing staff mobility
In the framework of the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP, formerly Erasmus), ETH faculty, doctoral assistants and administrative staff can spend periods at European universities. Ideally, this type of mobility is reciprocal in the long term.

Grants are awarded usually in the order in which the (complete!) applications were received. In case interest is larger than the available funding the Student Exchange Office reserves the right to prioritise applications (e.g. limitation to one mobility per person per academic year, limitation of the number of persons going to the same host institution). The Student Exchange Office can inform you about the availability of grant money.
ETH staff (SEMP STT staff training)
The programme supports the mobility of ETH Zurich employees for the purpose of further training. This can take the form of further education courses, workshops or job shadowing, for example. Participation in conferences is not eligible for funding.
Funding cannot be granted for scientific activities, only for mobilities related to teaching or administrative functions and which further internationalisation.
The scholarship consists of a daily allowance of 170 Swiss francs and a travel allowance. The amount of the per diem depends on the duration of the stay. The grant is awarded for a maximum of seven days (except for environmentally friendly travel; up to nine days if required). Travel and work days are included in the total. Saturdays and Sundays, however, are excluded if neither travel nor work takes place on these days.
The one-time lump-sum travel allowance depends on the travel distance to the partner organisation.
- 0 to 99 kilometres: 30 Swiss francs
- 100 to 499 kilometres: 225 Swiss francs
- 500 to 1,999 kilometres: 340 Swiss francs
- 2,000 to 2,999 kilometres: 450 Swiss francs
You can apply for a top-up for an environmentally friendly travel method.
The grant will be given on the basis of the available funds as soon as the date of the stay is definitely fixed. Note that transfers in Swiss francs to foreign accounts are subject to charges and these charges are at your expense. The scholarship money will only be paid out after the stay, as soon as the final documents are available.
Special needs
Participants with special needs have the possibility to apply for additional funding to cover part of the possible extra costs incurred during their stay due to their impairment. Reach out to the contact person at least four months before your stay if you would like to submit a corresponding application.
ETH would like to make its contribution to sustainable development. The reduction of flight emissions by ETH members is one of its declared goals. We, therefore, motivate all ETH members to choose alternative means of travel within Europe.
You can now apply for a top-up of 100 Swiss francs if you use more environmentally friendly means of transport than planes for your travel. The maximum number of subsidised days can be extended by this subsidy to up to nine days if required.
The prerequisite is that the receipts for the outward journey are uploaded to Mobility-Online in good time.
ETH faculty (SEMP STA teaching assignment)
The scholarship consists of a daily allowance of 170 Swiss francs and a travel allowance. The amount of the per diem depends on the duration of the stay. The grant is awarded for a maximum of seven days (except for environmentally friendly travel; up to nine days if required). Travel and work days are included in the total. Saturdays and Sundays, however, are excluded if neither travel nor work takes place on these days.
The one-time lump-sum travel allowance depends on the travel distance to the partner organisation.
- 0 to 99 kilometres: 30 Swiss francs
- 100 to 499 kilometres: 225 Swiss francs
- 500 to 1,999 kilometres: 340 Swiss francs
- 2,000 to 2,999 kilometres: 450 Swiss francs
You can apply for a top-up for an environmentally friendly travel method.
The grant will be given on the basis of the available funds as soon as the date of the stay is definitely fixed. Note that transfers in Swiss francs to foreign accounts are subject to charges and these charges are at your expense. The scholarship money will only be paid out after the stay, as soon as the final documents are available.
Special needs
Participants with special needs have the possibility to apply for additional funding to cover part of the possible extra costs incurred during their stay due to their impairment. Reach out to the contact person at least four months before your stay if you would like to submit a corresponding application.
ETH would like to make its contribution to sustainable development. The reduction of flight emissions by ETH members is one of its declared goals. We, therefore, motivate all ETH members to choose alternative means of travel within Europe.
You can now apply for a top-up of 100 Swiss francs if you use more environmentally friendly means of transport than planes for your travel. The maximum number of subsidised days can be extended by this subsidy to up to nine days if required.
The prerequisite is that the receipts for the outward journey are uploaded to Mobility-Online in good time.
Contact person
Patrick Bisang: patrick.bisang@akd.ethz.ch, Tel +41 44 632 20 87